

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 30 June 2021

Volunteering Part II, and a visit to a Museum

 I'll put up the rest of the photos from the Exhibition (and there are a lot more lovely things I didn't take photos of), and their attributions, and then do a resume of today.

Each figure was computer-generated I think I remember Chris saying, and then sewn free-style on a sewing machine, and appliqued (you would not catch me even attempting to do anything like this!), it was truly quite amazing.  It made me think, I wonder what YOU were doing during lockdown, Jo Beattie.

Such talent in such differing techniques.

Today was get the boiler fixed day (temporary fix - apparently it hasn't been serviced for 18 mths . . .)  We have had no hot water or heating (not that we needed the latter) for about 5 days now and have been having to boil up water for washing and in my case, hair washing every evening to get pollen off.  I take no chances in June.

This afternoon it was grocery shopping, but before we went to Aldi, we called in at the Radnorshire Museum n Llandod, and had a lovely wander round.  I will post photos tomorrow.  I was really excited and surprised to find one whole corner of a room devoted to a display about the Rev. Frank Kilvert (whose diaries I have read or dipped into time and time again).  It even had his writing desk and beautiful writing slope.  There were books, and photos and paintings done by his sister Thersie (short for Thermusis, there's a name you don't often hear!)  Oh, I was delighted and I will be back!

Right, money has been spent on a new bathroom suite for the house here, and a new toilet to replace the broken one in the en-suite.  The latter arrives this week.  The tiles for the bathroom were delivered yesterday but unfortunately 27 were damaged and so we are now awaiting their replacement. We are also awaiting a return call from the electrician we asked to come and quote for checking wiring here and fitting a new fuse-box . . .  I will have to chase him up.

Now I am off to enjoy bathing with HOT water!

Tuesday 29 June 2021

Volunteering again - Part I

 Last Friday I volunteered at Minerva Arts Centre in Llanidloes.  It was where the quilt exhibition was held last month . This month it was the turn of 5 talented ladies Gatehouse Textiles INGENIUM exhibition.  Part II posting about the exhibition will be tomorrow.  They were invited by The Quilt Association. Not many people through, sadly, but the weather wasn't brilliant so perhaps that put folks off travelling. Or they were waiting for market day on the Saturday.

Anyway, not much in the way of words, but enjoy the wonderful craftsmanship.

Below: Some of Sonja Turner's work.

I was quite taken with these pieces and would love to try something along those lines (when I have time to sew again that is.)

Some of Wendy Wildman's quilts below:

Aren't those runner beans lovely?

 I loved this printed cushion.  So unusual and colourful.  It reminded me of a kaleidoscope.

Saturday 26 June 2021

Lovely afternoon in the Elan Valley

 I don't know what Blogger is doing - it has changed the format for putting up a fresh photo and instead of having a lovely big header photo, I now have a minisicule one!   I will have to see if I can change it, but all attempts so far have failed.

Our son Danny is here this weekend, and so this afternoon we went over to the Elan Valley again, and this time had a wander round the village.  Danny is very athletic and was soon leaping from boulder to boulder across the river like a Mountain Goat! Then he leapt with equal alacrity up the waterfall when we parked by that.  It was LOVELY there and I just wish we could have gone for a decent walk - though his idea of a decent walk is 10 times as long as mine and involves mountains!

The mountainous wall of the dam edge.

The old bridge across to the village, which is no longer in use.

Dan in the river (boulder out of site).

This was as brave as I got, out on the weir.

The waterfall reflected a drier and hotter June.

This was a special "brighter colours" filter on my camera.

Danny in the distance.

Water levels are getting lower in the reservoir.  When Tam and I walked around here in March, it was up to the treeline.  Back soon with photos from my volunteering debut on Friday . . .

Wednesday 23 June 2021

The garden is slowly taking shape


Not quite sunrise this morning (which is 4.53 a.m.), but this was taken around 6 a.m. and looking across towards Llanelwedd, when it was still misty and just starting to glow and the sun dazzled me so much through the bathroom window, I couldn't see what photo I was taking!

I ventured down our track to the lane to collect the recycyling boxes.  The sheeps were under the tree and leapt to their feet as I came near.

The distant hills were still milky with sleep, but promised a hot day (and it is now).

Sorry for the power lines in all of them - can't be avoided.

Our next door neighbour across the track was having a snooze . . .

Progress on the Paul's Himlayan Musk as more flowers open.  It's on the top of the bank and quite difficult to get a closer photo really.

A work in progress.  This side lawn was just SO boring, and I needed to plant a border of perennials.  Below, on a medium pollen day, I extended the four feet or so already dug and planted, by a further 6 feet, and planted another dozen plants.  It will need widening, so I can put some more plants in, staggered, so it isn't a straight line of plantings.  I've sown some Pot Marigolds down the back today, and some other annuals will be sprinkled about to give it more colour.  I will see if I can dig another foot or so of turf up and plant the Rudbeckia which is in a pot.  It's a High Pollen day though, so I don't want to push my luck too much.

Finally, below, my current reading, which I can recommend as hard to put down and a great read. This is the 2nd of her books I've read, the other being The Shadowy Horses, and equally good.