

Jennie's recipes

Friday 9 October 2009



I would just like to say a few lines by way of a heart-felt "Thank you" to the lovely people who have made today a wonderful day, just when I am feeling truly "carp" and needed a big virtual "booky" hug!

First of all to Morgan of the Fens who has just sent me this BEAUTIFUL cookery book after my name was pulled out of the hat in her recent draw. It is a lovely book, full of tempting recipes - just up my street, as I enjoy nothing more than baking, and I can't wait to try out some of the recipes when I am feeling a bit more my old self again. It is something I would drool over in the bookshop, but then sadly put back when I looked at the price!

Then I had a HUGE box arrive from dear Morning's Minion in the States. I was horrified to see the cost of posting it, but the contents are all Sharon promised and MORE, including some CDs of books too . . . I am stunned at such generosity. There was even a piece of fabric which I am going to include in an autumn cushion shortly. Many, many thanks!

Thanks too, to the two Amazon sellers who managed to coincide their postings of two more Phil Rickman paperbacks to arrive together, and just as I am reaching the final pages of my Phil Rickman library book.

To top it all, I found £5 I'd forgotten about in a little-used bag, so I spent £2.70 on an American craft magazine, so I have plenty of inspiration.

Sadly, I also have plenty of germs still causing havoc in my brain, and the electric blanket in my bed is on as I write . . .

Edited to add a just-taken photo of the parcel of books that arrived last week, from my dear friend in the Forest over at her recently-started BLOG. We seem to share an interest in exactly the same literature, as did her late aunt, and some of whose library (including a few books shown above) have recently come my way, to my great delight. I am so lucky to have such wonderful friends, and thank you all again.


  1. Do hope you are feeling better, there seem to be a lot of people with ailments of various kinds. Your letter arrived and will be answered as soon as I have scaled Mount Washmore! Looking at the books that Sharon sent you I noticed the one by Henry Beston, oddly enough I brought a book back from the US by him called Herbs and the Earth! I see a swap ahead of us! Take care.

  2. Dear Friend--you are needing to be cherished and pampered and since we can't drop in with a kettle of chicken soup, books are fine "be well" messangers. I am delighted that Henry Beston is being passed around--he was not a prolific writer, but every sentence he wrote was beautifully crafted. Do go to the Henry Beston website--photos of him and Elizabeth Coatsworth, Chimney Farm, general information.
    Yes, I think I did labor long hours at the quilt shop for the benefit of the postal service--I sent out your box of books, and two largish cartons with quilts. The "fat quarter" of fabric was my inspiration to keep the smaller paperbacks and the CD's from shuttling in the box.
    We hope you are well soon and will be posting pix of the baked goodies!

  3. Oh, The Outermost House is a wonderful, wonderful book. It will transport you. What a nice, nice gift and so thoughtful of M'sM. I just yesterday got to your new blog. I wonder what happened in the blog fiasco. After all this time, I've finally looked up 'codlins and cream' and found it is a plant, which I'm sure I read on your blog ages ago and promptly forgot. Anyhow, it has a beautiful flower.

  4. Rowan - I fear you may have arrived just before the letter did! My computer went in to be "fixed" and came back with problems with the printer it never had before it left here! you will love Henry Beston's Herbs and the Earth - MM sent me that in the summer and it is an absolute delight.

    MM - I shall do that in the morning (or in the middle of the night if I have another one like last night when I was awake for two hours again.) I have a little pile of books here for you, but fear they will have to be sent singly. You will just LOVE The Piddle Valley book (I used to live there, in Dorset).

    Nan - Welcome back. I did start trying to get in touch with all my old followers, but then had computer problems and this horrid bug. Glad you found me again, and know what C&C is now too. Now that I've changed the picture!
