

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 4 October 2009

Time for a rest

Why is it that just when you KNOW you have to sleep well as you are up early the next day, you have the night from hell? And so it came to pass in our household last night, and I reckon I clocked every hour between midnight and when the alarm woke me out of a deep sleep at 5.30 a.m. I will admit, I have felt better, a LOT better . . . Anyway, another car boot sale beneath our belt and we did very well today as we had several big bits to sell and they went the minute we arrived, so we were packed on heading home by 11.30 a.m., just in time as a sharp scudding shower hit the windscreen half a mile down the road. There was no temptation to buy anything, as very few stalls and nothing to buy really, but I couldn't resist this lovely old print for £1 (sadly the glass was gone) entitled On the South Downs, and by Lucy Kemp-Welch. Now just that name evokes memories for me. When I was a child, my first pony book was Monica Edward's "Wish For a Pony". I think I virtually know it off by heart, I have read it so many times. In the book, Rissa (or is it Tamzin?) has a Lucy Kemp-Welch galloping horse . . .

When I used to go to the Russell-Cotes Museum in Bournemouth, they had the most wonderful Lucy Kemp-Welch painting of a horse fair (and a gigantic one by Munnings of his wife on a beautiful bay TB). She painted some excellent paintings of working plough horses too. She deserves a post just to herself really . . .

Anyway, the knitting continues and this is a winter hat for my middle daughter - she wanted something to match whatever she wore . . .


  1. You've done better than I have on such a somnulent Sunday [how do you like that bit of alliteration?] I should perhaps elaborate and say that is a Sunday of SNOW and I am content to be snugged up with cats, tea, the latest Diana Gabaldon, which has overtones of Crown Point and Fort Ticonderoga--my part of the northeast!
    Oh, and I'm making dinner rolls as we have been invited to partake of roast beef and such at daughter's house and she requested the rolls.
    The "toque" is lovely colors and looks like soft delicate yarn.

  2. Now that will go with everything

  3. I will confess that it's a blend of some bargain (£2 a huge ball from a car boot sale) grey Mohair and some yarn from the wool shop on the market. I reckon they blended together well and it's so snug and warm I may just do one for myself!

    MM - Snow already. Oh golly gosh. It''s still about 16 degrees here (with rain forecast, much-needed after a very dry September) and I was out working in my herb plot yesterday afternoon not quite in a t-shirt, but getting hot in a sweat shirt.

  4. I adore that painting, well worth the money, and glad you did well at the car booty :)

    Love the hat too, it looks so warm and cosy.

    I've had a mishap with some DIY, so I'm quietly having a panic attack and waiting for the 3rd disaster to hit me!!! I think alkeyhole is required!

