

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 25 October 2009

Today's car booty

Despite both of us sleeping badly last night, DH and I went off to the car boot sale this morning and got a few bargains. Perhaps if we had followed the daylight and got down there an hour earlier we'd have had more, but hey-ho and all that . . .

Of course, more books found their way into our possession. These three books cost me a total of £1.20. The Frank Muir is a curious coincidence, as one of the answers in yesterday's Telegraph general knowledge crossword was Muir (as in Frank - Q: "Who wrote the What-a-Mess books?") We still have What-a-Mess The Good which was one of the children's favourite (and of their mother!) : )

This book: "Surviving the Iron Age" is based on the Iron Age living experiment at Castell Henllys in Pembrokeshire a few years ago. Several of the participants, it appears, are offspring of the original Iron Age living experiment at Butser Hill in Hampshire, which was filmed back in the 1970s.

No guesses as to which of us bought THIS book, but although it was a little more than we usually pay, it was still good value at £3. We certainly would have had to pay £6 or more from a second hand book shop.

Do you remember that huge glazed crock that we bought back in September at Builth Wells Antiques Fair? Well, DH found - again at car boot sale - 2 old round breadboards for 50p each, and having measured everything up, he screwed them together and I now have a perfectly fitting lid for my flour crock.


  1. Well done DH for producing a lid for your flour crock! The Iron Age book sounds interesting, I don't think I can have seen either series although I knew they existed. Probably they were on at the same time as a football match!!

  2. You have got a treasure in that DH - very clever lid that. Dare I say I am probably the only person left on the planet who has never been to a car boot sale!

  3. Rowan - Underneath that lid is the other (smaller) breadboard, which fits inside the rim of the crock perfectly. He had made several lids for lidless storage rocks of mine, clever lad! I never realized that you were a footbll widow as well as a cricket widow - no peace for you then!

    W of G - you're a car boot sale VIRGIN?! OMG. You don't know what you're missing : )

  4. Ooh, your DH is a handy lad to have around! I am trying to persuade my DH to sell some clutter at a BBS, but he says we'll end up bringing a load more stuff home. What on earth gives him that idea?!

  5. Something about the return of cold weather inspires me to browse cookery books. Its not that I'm going to try a lot of new recipes, as I don't cook to the letter except for baked goods. It seems to be part of the comfort of a well-stocked pantry, a reassurance that we will survive the winter. I have a stockpot full of turkey bits and bones to sort into soup---likely enough for a small army--comfort food.
    I drag J. in to look at K.'s woodworking--and try to convinve him to make shelves and oddments for me. The man is in his element building a huge barn or a house--why can't he hone that skill down to the small wooden items I am coveting? Rhetorical question. Sigh.

  6. Hullo BB,

    seems like your hubby and I have the same interest in guns. I have that very book on my shelves in the library.

    best read with a cold beer or a wee nip o single malt by the way.


  7. Al - he can't drink whiskey - it turns him into a madman by all accounts (he found this out as a youngster) and he wasn't even tempted by the bottle of Shiraz last night as thinks he's coming down with a cold, so it was a "naked" book instead!

    MM - I hope that K can inspire your J by the way. K does it because that's the only way we are going to have a lid, since such things aren't for sale anywhere. One of mine was made out of a loo seat (one he bought unused and still in its wrapper I might add!) so he lets nothing go to waste. Suggest to J that you may have to "get someone in" to do this little job. That should give his ego a wallop!
