

Jennie's recipes

Monday 9 November 2009

A day in Hay . . .

This is the conical hilltop I can never get a photo of as it is impossible to stop, so I had to quickly take a pic out of the window as we sped past.

On the road there, between Llandovery and Trecastle.

A corner of the antiques market . . .

K browsing.

I like enamelled kitchen equipment. This lot wasn't cheap though. Most of the items were priced at about £28 each which is twice what I would want to pay! The big brown coffee-pot shaped container was for oil? according to the label. There were some small enamel colanders, like one I bought there recently for £4, only priced at £8. Guess they'll be there some time . . .

View from the top of the car park - the mist didn't clear all day.

Our first port of call, to get some string for tieing down the springs on K's armchair.

As we walked through the cut-way, my eye was caught by this lovely wonky line of embellishment. The chequered pattern dipped down to meet the top of the window you can see and one to its left. Rather eccentric!

I am pretty sure that the little pub was there long before the big houses either side snuggled up to it.

The road to Clyro. Little has changed over the years since Kilvert walked this road to Clyro and back. I have a book somewhere with that little cottage in the middle and the grey stone steps, with lads lounging on them and I think a horse and cart walking down towards the bridge.
A lovely stone house, probably late-Georgian, looking down the road towards Clyro.

Neighbours of the house above, looking back up towards the centre of the town.

We cut up through one of the back lanes, looking for somewhere to have lunch.

This shop always appears to be half-abandoned, but has some unusual things in the window as a rule.

Geraniums still blooming happily on the windowsill of the pub.

Isn't this a grand house? It sits in between the bookshop (house left) which specializes in garden books and the old Cinema bookshop.

Last view across a sombre landscape on the way home.

I bought two books, and K one. I'll add the titles when I've been downstairs again.


  1. I love Hay - particularly the bookshops! But I love Clyro more - because I am such a Kilvert fan. We used to live in Wolverhampton for many years and it was easy to drive to Kilvert country. Thanks for the lovely tour which reminded me of so many times.

  2. It looks so interesting in this area and the old stone houses and the pub are beautiful. Hay is one of those places I've yet to visit - I like the look of that antiques market, is that in Hay as well? I think I have to make it there next year!

  3. Me too, WG - I was hoping to pop across yesterday, but K was in a hurry to get back so I will have to go one more time before we up-sticks and leave. I always get so tempted by some of the Kilvert books on offer in the town, but he has a big following and they are never cheap . . .

    Rowan - the antiques place (the one we call the Junky Antique Shop) is in Trecastle, on the way, but there is a similar one in Hay itself (which I prefer).

  4. That looks like an interesting place to wander on a dreary day. I can get lost in antique or books shops--although I don't often buy.

  5. I love your Day in Hay...and your mist :) I miss stopping in pubs to warm myself and get a bite to eat...beautiful pics.

  6. Hullo BB,

    Oh dear, whit a wummin!

    There you are constantly talking about downsizing and buying more and more books all the time. Is that ever going to happen?

    Maybe but you may have to live in a library!!

    Nice photos. Looks like an interesting area.

  7. love my armchair trips Jennie!! Looks like it was a lovely day.

  8. Thanks for another lovely "day out"!

  9. Glad you enjoyed your day out - and you must have walked right past my house!

    The Rose and Crown, that little pub squeezed between two later buildings, used to be 1/3 longer than it is now. If you look at the triangle of roof by the chimney, that used to be in the middle. Then in around 1905 the owners knocked down one end of it to build the hotel extension, which has now been converted into rather nice flats.
    The 'half abandoned shop' used to be a gift shop run by Denny Parry. He retired last year, much to the disappointment of my dog, who always used to run in to get a biscuit from him! Then it was rented by my friend Marina, for her antique-y stuff, and she has just bought the building, so it may be getting done up soon!
