

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 15 December 2009

R.I.P. Snowy

Sadly, we took the decision to have Snowy pts yesterday. The ear cancer had returned and suddenly looked much worse in the space of 8-10 days, and it was hard to tell whether it was inside the remains of his ear base. I couldn't bear the thought of it moving right inside the ear and causing dreadful pain, so we chose to spare him that. It was almost three years to the day since he stepped in through the kitchen window and took up residence in our kitchen, having been quite the wildest of feral cats I have ever seen. We only had to appear within his sight, and he was gone. It took a long time to gain his confidence, but food was always his weakness . . .

He has left a massive void as he was ALWAYS there, always in the kitchen, and usually very much involved with what I was doing. If I was reading the paper, he would plonk himself just on the bit I was reading, and snuggle up to me, purring and chinning my face. If I was cooking, he would sit on the recipe book until forcibly removed. He never got the idea that cats weren't allowed on tables, and broke all the rules . . . If one of the cats had a late breakfast, he would be there hopeful of just another little "tibby taster" as my dad would have called it, and he would always go round and finish up everyone else's leftovers. Consequently, he was the size of a house!

He oversaw the recent revamping of Keith's armchair, and sat wherever he could to check I was doing it properly! At least he had three years where he was never cold or hungry, where he ruled the roost, where he never had to fight for his territory (though he would still chase off the occasional stray tom) and where he gave as much love as he received. Bless him.


  1. So sad for you BB, the loss of a companion is terribly hard. Hugs Kath

  2. Sorry to hear that Jennie.

    Thinking of you.

    Take care......Al.

  3. Dear old Snowy. He knew how lucky he was to have found your open window. I am so sorry to hear that he has gone and know just how you will be feeling today. Hugs from all of us here.xx

  4. I'm so sorry about Snowy, it's always so hard to lose a much loved cat or dog. I'm sure you took the right decision to spare him pain though and as you say he had three years of warmth and companionship that must have been wonderful for him after his previous life. Will be thinking of you.

  5. So sorry to hear about Snowy... Its one of the hardest decisions to make and yet deep in your heart you know its the right thing to do!
    You can at least find some comfort in knowing he enjoyed a happy, loving, caring, warm home with plenty of home comforts in his last years and that was worth everything!! He will always be with you in your heart, so cherish the memories!!
    With Much Love, Jane xxxxxxx

  6. Snowy was loved, and that will always be...
    Those we give our hearts to, will remain with us forever. You will love him on another plane now, so his presence will be there, every day.

    Sending sympathy and warm, healing thoughts your way.

  7. We always hope for one more good day with our loved pets and the day when we know we must do that last kind act--putting them down--is a terribly painful one. Cats, dogs, horses, all become such an interacting part of our lives, so responsive, so constant. It takes a long time before we stop instinctively expecting to see them in their accustomed spots.
    Snowy's devotion to you is a wonderful testimony to what his life became when he came in from the cold.
    Losing a pet is something which is repeated too many times in our life span. My heart reaches out to you--and a few tears have fallen for a cat I never knew.

  8. Snowy obviously chose your kitchen window to come through, as he knew what kind hearts you have. It's so sad when the time comes, but it's the final act of love you could give him, to spare him any pain.

    Thinking of you ...

    Willow xxx

  9. Thank you all. I feel slightly less weepy today, but the kitchen feels so empty without him, even when Gypsy, Fluff, Banshee et al are in there. They don't sit on top of me like Snowy did. The grey stray tom is getting close enough to touch me at feed time now, and looking much more trusting. He and Amber will have to stay when we go though, as even after 4 or 5 years, Amber is still very nervy and so the new folks here will have to adopt them.

  10. I'm sorry that's very sad
    he sounds like he was a lovely cat

  11. having had to bear the loss of my dog harry just three weeks ago, I know exactly how you feel. Even today, unpacking a box of decorations, i came across his christmas stocking, and sat and cried all over again. healing takes time, they are family. and the grief is real and so painful.

    Leanne x

  12. I know you have made the right desision over Snowy,as I had to, over my beloved Georgie a few years back. I may have many many cats but none sit on and with me as she did, so I know how you feel. I only had her for her final years but I know I gave her a great life after she had been mistreated for so long. It helps to know that you gave a dear cat a few years of love and attention and let them love you too.

  13. Thank you Leanne and Angie - the grief over losing a beloved pet - no, friend - is difficult to overcome. I think it's because you cannot explain to them why their life must end, as much as anything. When they have a big character too, the gap they leave behind is vast . . .

  14. Oh Jennie, I'm ooo sorry, I can hardly see the keyboard for tears. I know how special Snowy was to you all and in the brief time I knew him he stole my heart. He was so lucky to have found you. Love and hugs to you all.
