

Jennie's recipes

Friday 18 December 2009

Yesterday's walk

Yesterday I did a circular 3 mile walk to a neighbour's and back to deliver her Christmas card and a pot of my home-made Russet Mincemeat (which smells DIVINE!) I also dropped another pot at my neighbour's down the hill. She is 86 but had made several trays of home-made faggots one evening in the week - 59 of them! - made the proper way with caul over the top which she had managed to get from an acquaintance in the valleys. Hope I can still have that much oomph when I am 86.

I am so behind with the Christmas preparations this year, by way of decorating etc. I've put a few baubles and bits of tinsel up but we're only getting the tree today and I still haven't made a wreath. I know it's because T isn't home yet, as the wreath-making is something we always do together.


  1. Lovely sunny photos and yes, what a gal at 86! I wonder if you had snow today, we have a couple of inches on the fields, here in Bucks.

  2. Your walks are always so intriguing--how I miss wooded paths! Could you supply a "translation" of "faggots" with "Caul"---my understanding of those terms can't be anything edible.
    Simply finishing Christmas gifts this year is going to be my undoing---other than a greenery arrangement made by a friend, there have been no embellishments to the house--I suppose I could tie red ribbons on the ladder in the middle of the living room? [Sigh!]

  3. I looked up "faggots and caul" in wikipedia--which I should have thought to do before screaming for help. Its one of those "you don't want to know what's in it" sort of foods--probably tastes and smells wonderful---just the details are a bit off-putting.

  4. Beautiful photos of the winter sunlight falling on green hills. I can almost feel the cold......

  5. Sounds like you had a wonderful walk BB - your photos look so inviting. Lots of snow here yesterday, which fell on top of a layer of ice ... eeeek!

    Willow x

  6. Kath - So far just a few tiny flakes of snow first thing, but a threatening sky, and having just looked over my shoulder, it's starting again.

    MM - How I wish I could magic you here and take you round and show you my favourite places (lots of castles for starters!) It is beautiful scenery and I try not to take it for granted. . . The faggots actually taste great - not as horrid as they sound, just savoury and with a slightly crumbly consistency. great with a good onion gravy (not that I ever make that as I'm the only one of us 5 who LIKES onions!)

    DW & TWW - It was a lovely walk, and the light was amazing - we just have 10/10 cloud cover today!

  7. I love faggots, they are known as savoury ducks in this part of the world. The good, thick onion gravy is key - as is just not thinking about what you are actually eating:) I really admire people like your friend and hope I'm that way if I make it to her age. The snow should be helping with the Christmas spirit, though not if you still have to come up here to get T. Neil is currently driving back to Suffolk where conditions are appalling and I'm like a cat on a hot tin roof. Shan't settle until I know he's home. He's been on the road 3 hours now but if conditions are bad could be a couple more hours yet.

  8. Gorgeous pictures, I especially love the sunshine and heavy skies :)
