

Jennie's recipes

Friday 8 January 2010

A wee bitty cold here . . .

Our next door farmer reported that the night before last it was minus 15 by his milking parlour. I believe him. I also believe it was even colder here last night, as when we walked down by the river today, this is what we saw. Believe me, it froze last January, but NOTHING as bad as this or so quickly:


  1. It was minus 18 not far from here and we still slept with our bedroom window open! Lovely photos, Christmas card material.

  2. You're tougher stuff than I am then Kath! I like to be snug and warm I do . . .

  3. Lovely photo's I especially enjoy the header!

  4. WOW! what fantastic photo's, they look so magical. That's very cold...has been about -7 at it's coldest here in Chichester, West Sussex. Enjoying your posts and will visit again soon. Until then keep safe and warm.

  5. What a gorgeous photo at the bottom BB, blooming chilly even looking at it!!
    GTM x

  6. Val - the header is Black Mountain - the end of the range of the Carmarthen Fans. We can see it from the top of our hill and drive to the foothills, and walk up to Llyn y Fan Fach, the glacial lake at its base, several times a year, though we've only ever been up on the ridge twice. Wouldn't fancy trying it right now!!

    P&A - Sky news were filming in Lewes this morning, showing them trying to chip several inches of ice of the High Street . . .

    GTM - yup, chilly alright, indoors and out!

  7. Yes BB - and much the same here too. But have just seen pictures on the News of the snow in Teesdale, which is the Dale above ours - they have two feet of snow and it is still snowing. I am just concentrating on keeping upright and warm, in that order.

  8. wow! look at that river and those icicles!
    The header picture is really stunning!

  9. Such a beautiful photo of Black Mountain wearing white, and your river is almost unrecognisable!

    I hope that your neighbour is getting his milk out BB. Today,on the news, there was a Mid Wales farmer throwing his milk away onto the fields as the tanker could not get to him.

  10. Those are great photos, I don't think I've ever seen a river actually frozen. Some of those icicles are pretty impressive too!
