

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 9 February 2010

First Primroses and Celandines

I will post properly tomorrow about today's walk, but the new header photo is one of the first Primroses I saw today. Isn't it beautiful? Made me smile. I saw the first Celandine too.


  1. Oh how joyous!! I adore them both,darling little plants,& then there will be those enchanting little wood anemones,windflowers.Ahhh good days are ahead of us!
    GTM XX X

  2. Real wild primroses and celandine already? How lovely, I've been looking for the leaves of the celandines in the woods and no sign whatever of them yet.

  3. Oh marvelous! I especially love primroses. When we were children we used to go 'primrosing' on Flamborough cliffs and would bring back great bunches of them for our mothers. Probably one reason why there aren't so many now!

  4. Rowan - I think we are generally milder than you and this is a very sheltered lane that holds the sun when it gets it - plants are always earlier here than elsewhere. Obviously a localized micro-climate.

    ChrisJ - glad to have brought back memories for you.

    Roz - welcome. Always lovely to hear from new peeps.

    GtM - at least it means that a little sliver of spring has arrived now.

  5. Gosh, we've only just got snowdrops up here in the north! But I'll be in Devon at the weekend, so I'll look out for primroses, how lovely.

  6. Flowers in February make me realize afresh what interminable winters happen in Wyoming. It will be exciting to experience a milder climate where we are headed and to get acquainted with the local wildflowers.
    Incidentally--that's not what I've thought celnadines were all these years--when I have a moment I'll have to recheck the weedy yellow-flowered plant I've been calling by that name.

  7. A celandine in flower at last! This has been a long, long winter.......
    Good to see the first primrose too. So far we only have their leaves showing here.
