

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 28 February 2010

St David's Day

Have a good one. I don't have time to write about St David this morning, so instead it will have to be a resume of the weekend . . .

This picture of lichens was taken on my walk, when every step felt an effort! I have put the photo sideways so you can see the lichens more clearly, but it makes the hill look like a precipice!

I have been feeding the birds - I now have a cock Pheasant and three hens come to scavenge under the feeders. This one was reminding me it was feeding time!

I have seen a Cormorant on the tidal part of the River Towy, shaking his head after diving for fish . . . I have seen several Buzzards, a Red Kite, Herons on the Heronry down at Whitemill (they really do NOT look like tree-dwelling birds . . .), and the first frogspawn has appeared in our wildlife pond though it has sadly been a little frozen by the frost last night - much of it being above water, as you can see . . .

My menfolk have been putting up the newly-made cornice, though that has made fresh problems as the ceiling is so wonky and we have had to line up with the wall and the other cornice, rather than the ceiling, so slips of wood will have to be put in to hide the gaps (an inch over one end of the fireplace!) OH even had to make the dentil "teeth" for this length of the cornice, and I was very impressed by this!

Yet more x-stitch - I am on the half stitches of the church tower now, so that is coming along a bit faster. I can't wait to have it finished and then we can frame it.

And for the first time in many years I have been drawing again. Well, copying, as you can see. I was relieved I haven't completely forgotten how!


  1. Nifty with a pencil as well as a pen, I see - not to mention camera and needles! What a clever lady you are to be sure.

  2. I love your brings back fond memories of growing up in the UK before my family emmigrated to Australia .Thankyou so much.

  3. Hi, I've not posted on your blog before, but just wanted to say really enjoying it. Your cross stitch looks lovely, it is one of my favourite hobbies. You might like the john clayton designs that are made by Heritage crafts, as your devon village looks like it could be a john clayton design

  4. Thank you Jinksy - I think it's called Jack of all trades - master of none!!!

    Samantha - Hello and welcome. I hope I can continue to make you remember life in the UK - is it as wet as you remember it?!!!

  5. You have to many gifts. J. is impressed with the dentil molding and nodding his head in sympathy over the problems of coping with walls and such which are out of plumb.
    I'm wishing I could sit and watch your birds. This migratory spell of travel with no home is most unsettling.
    [Don't I sound pitiful?] Today begins the actual house search, which I hope isn't a long procedure.

  6. Hello dubgirl too. I've just nipped downstairs to check and it's by Derwentwater Designs. I think I've done a couple of Heritage Craft kits, but many years ago. I've just nipped to check out their website, and I love the one of Anne Hathaway's cottage. After a loooooong break from x-stitch, I am loving it again.

  7. MM - we cross-posted! The birds are just on the move all the time - almost impossible to count them as there is a flow of movement as they swop places on the feeders. Tell J that the chimney-breast wall is not only "out" with th4e ceiling height, but their is a urve forward of about two inches out of true too, so poor Keith has had his work cut out. For the dentils we needed, I watched him cut off a slice of a plank, then get his sander out and make the gentle curves we needed along that little slice, before cutting them to size. Clever lad!

    And also, GOSH, you're "there" already then (must look at my Atlas, sounds like you have made incredible timing - it took me two days to drive from here up to Aberdeenshire for my dig, and that was only about 500 miles, but once into Wales, the roads are narrow and bendy - bit like a switchback, and so slow going especially if you are stuck behind a heavy or, worse still, a tractor!)

  8. Enjoyed reading about "your' birds, I've been writing about ours. My husband was surprised at your frog spawn he wondered if it wasn't too cold. We have loads of frogs but he has yet to find spawn or tadpoles.

  9. BB, yes Derwentwater Designs are lovely too. Anne Hathaways cottage is lovely, I find the x stitch somewhat addictive!

  10. How lovely and creative you have been, you draw so nicely and that X stitch is going to be so nice. Our frogs have laid spawn today too, I only saw the first frog in the pond yesterday and now it's an orgy in the pond!

  11. Frogspawn already! A real sign of Spring.

    I love watching your Devon Village appearing stitch by stitch.

  12. You are definitely drawing, not just copying! And I love your cross-stitch. Makes me want to get my patterns and threads out and start another project! And the dentil molding looks fantastic.
