

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 11 March 2010

Just a trick of the light?

I've just blown up this photo to look at the view and remember the day, and was surprised to see that the left-hand tree has a light-anomaly going up the trunk. It looks like the skirts of a ghosty!! Then I looked again and there are three little knobbles at the top which look for all the world just like a nose and two close-set eyes! I think that a strong ray of sunshine just cut across my photo. . . .


  1. Oooh spooky! But a lovely picture and gorgeous view. I've tagged you and there's an award for you over at my blog. xx

  2. I can see a tree angel, made of crystal...

  3. I drawn around the angel I see - if you email me direct (on my profile page), I'll send you the picture!

  4. Ohmigosh! That just sent shivers up my back, there really is something there!

    Long time no visit dear friend, we really must get together again soon :)

  5. The face looks like that of a german shepherd dog to me lol! maybe there is a ghostly one running through the woods....I walked back in the dark from a farmhouse the other evening,the village was pitch dark,I thought of all the hundreds & hundreds of souls who had trod the same path as I.I am quite sure some of them come back to visit.
    GTM x x x

  6. It's amazing what we can find on our photos once we've posted them.

  7. I've been telling myself it' a dirty finger mark, but can't work out why it wouldn't be on all the other photos I took. Odd!

    Kim - the beds are made up, ready, any time you fancy visiting again.

    GTM - I think that about our house, since the earliest mention of it is in records is 1486 . . . Tht's a good few souls have lived, loved and died here.

  8. OoooOh...amazing little mystery! I loved that picture.

  9. The more I look the more I am convinced you have picked up something .... quite interestingly spooky.... a spirit enjoying the view as you did that day!! Just love it!!
    Love Jane xxx

  10. The Welsh countryside must be full of ghosts but in this case I wonder if you have caught a dryad in your camera lens?

  11. I don't see what you see, but love the tangle of the branches and the soft new green of the grass. Your header picture reminds me of narrow lanes Mike and I drove down when in England-Cornwall and Devon...he made this little ditty up as I was always letting out eeks when we got too close to the stone walls...You've never squeeked til you've squeeked in Gweek!
