

Jennie's recipes

Friday 19 March 2010

Not a good week for sleep

A view from a walk up the valley on Monday.

Our son has been away for two nights now (home tonight). I was being good about not worrying until the phone rang at 2.45 a.m. Thursday morning. I was wide awake and running at the first ring and picked up the phone at the 3rd, getting carpet burn on the way. It turned out to be a drunken mate of my son's, asking to speak to him - so drunk he didn't realize he was phoning a land line and not a mobile number. Believe me, if I knew who it was I'd have strung him up by his toenails. Well, I went back to bed, but of course all peace of mind had gone, and I began to fret about all sorts of things for the next three hours, tossing and turning, before I finally dozed off again.

Last night I woke at 3.30 a.m. and that was IT for the night. I waited until first light (around 6 a.m.) before getting up, but I shall pay for it later I don't doubt. One again I revisited old worries, stupid things I did many many years ago - and so pointless fretting about them now.

Our eldest daughter is here for a few days (going home on Sunday). It is lovely to have her here and has cheered me up no end. Our middle daughter returns home next week, for 3 weeks. The house is going to seem very empty when she has gone back up to Uni.

T and I may try to find a big bookshop on the industrial unit at Ammanford today. I fancy getting away from our four walls for a bit especially as the sun is just coming out now. T and I have hit the charity shops this week, and she was delighted to get some lovely work clothes for a new charity job she is starting next week.


  1. Hope your sleep pattern returns to normal ...once a thought enters your mind in the early hours... or before you actually get to sleep ... the ability to sleep just vanishes

  2. When my son was born (21 years ago) my Mum said "You will never get a good nights sleep again" and she was right!

  3. Our daughter is 41, hasn't lived at home since she left for college at 17, yet I still worry and fret about her, particularly when she's traveling.

  4. Oh, lots of sympathy! We had a spell of middle-of-th-night phonecalls when my father-in-law was getting very elderly...awful. Every now and then I get a transatlantic call in the middle of the night from someone who doesn't realise that I work at home, which banishes sleep very effectively.

  5. I think we have shared a similar sleep pattern for the past few years, I have given up thinking of it as a bad thing and tried to enjoy all the things I can do alone, its working, I save films, learnt to knit and save housework that can be done quietly, I sleep when I can and have become unashamed at saying I need a kip mid afternoon, I have done all the therapies and tried all the remedies, once I accepted that my body works to a different rhythm and 'stuff everyone else' LOL it made my life and everyone around me, a lot better.

  6. How well I understand the impact lack of sleep...or poor sleep...can have upon one's life. Hopefully, things will be back to normal soon and you'll return to sleeping well. Tomorrow morning, we drive to Portland, Oregon, (3 hours away) to pick up Jim's grandson who will stay with us for ten whole days! He's 8 months old, so I don't imagine any of us will be sleeping a whole lot...but what fun we'll have!

