

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 27 March 2010

Spring has sprung

I'm inclined to think that the dryness and chill winds we had in early March (resulting in more than a peck of March dust in these parts - we had dust-devils whirling around in front of our gate!) was what was holding spring back. Within 2 days of the first rain we had leaves coming out on gooseberries, blackcurrants and roses, and also the daffodils all across the county suddenly blooming, several weeks later than usual, but showing their sunny faces now.

Just after I got up this morning I had a little wander around the garden. I am so sick of winter and want more signs of spring to cheer me up. Last year, in my intake plot in the paddock, I planted half a dozen Lidl fruit trees. Several pears, a Victoria plum and a.n.other plum, and a Pippin apple. I was delighted to see the sturdiest of the pears, which has of course lost its name tag, has put out some huge buds which are bursting into leaf now. I think planting trees (especially fruit trees) is so rewarding and I can't wait to see whether I will have fruit on mine this year. The Pippin gave me one delicious apple last summer, though it set fruit of a dozen or so more, but they dropped. I just hope the cold spell (snow again? Eeeeeeeeeek!) doesn't put paid to those next week. I will have to drape it with an old sheet. The other trees have small buds on but not bursting forth yet. All the other soft fruit bushes: black- and red-currants, gooseberries, raspberries, loganberries etc are sprouting leaves to and I am relieved to find that my Rhubarb plants (I am notoriously good at murdering them) have all survived the winter, so we are looking forward to our first Rhubarb Crumble.

This week I made a little bed at the foot of the young Rowan tree by the front wall. Having yanked all the ivy off the wall, I was told off by my husband for removing the covering of a few loose stones at the wall base. Feeling suitably guilty, I have now tidied the area and planted it up with all sorts of self-sown seedlings from the main borders: Feverfew, a tall plant with blue flowers whose name I have forgotten!, Foxgloves, Aquilegia, Welsh Poppies, Teasel, a big felty-leaved Greater Mullein, and lots of baby Cowslips, and about 100 Nasturtium seeds which I'd saved from last summer. It should look pretty when it's all flowering.

Yesterday the big Honey Monster had to go to the vet's as she had an abscess on her mouth. It had started to drain but I wanted it checked and a course of anti-biotics. "Do you want pills or liquid medication?" I was asked. Remembering only too well the fun and games we had a couple of weeks back when I had to worm them all, and Honey put up a battle (from which I still bear the scars!), I settled for liquid, and the vet said, "Hmm, that's what most people opt for . . ."

Well, this won't do. I had better get cracking on the brambles with my trusty secateurs before it starts to rain again!


  1. Hullo BB from beautiful, sun drenched East Lothian. Its a cracker of a start to the day with clear blue skies, warm - yes WARM - sun at the front of the house and an uplifting feel to the morning.

    Shame I have been left a long 'to do' list by the lovely G who is grumpy at having to be at work on a day like this.

    Back to rain tomorrow though so they say.

    I'd better make the most of it!


  2. Good morning BB. It is mild and damp here but the birds are singing and tree buds are ready to burst open.

    It sounds as though all your planting from last year is going to pay dividends this summer.

    I`m going to plant seeds today and finish pruning roses.

    Good luck with medicating the Honey Monster! xx

  3. Yes since the recent rainy weather here, the trees and bushes are all showing little buds of future leaves so a sure sign that Spring has sprung and thank heavens for that, it has been an incredibly long winter and I think most of us will be very glad to see the back of winter... but snow forecast next week (nooooooooooooo!) sounds just awful!!
    Honey Monster looks so angelic curled up fast asleep in your wash basin... poor little mite! Hope all injuries will soon be healed and I am with you 100% on the liquid medicine.... and I thank god for the pipettes that are now available for both fleas and worms!! My cat Bootsie was involved in a fight (many years ago) which resulted in his tongue being partially ripped apart. Our wonderful vet patched him up and repaired the tongue, but since this incident you cannot get near to Bootsie's mouth to administer medicine and like you I have scars to prove my attempts... so any form of treatments or medications are given anyway they can be as long as they are not given via Booties mouth!!
    Hope the gardening today goes well today!!
    Love Jane xxx

  4. Good luck with the liquid medication, the last time we tried that with our cat she foamed at the mouth and the medication went everywhere so we have to use pills now.
    Your fruit trees sound wonderful!

  5. Good morning from a tree farm in Oregon where the sun is trying to peek through the thick fog. I loved all the pics this morning...but espcially Honey kitty all curled up. I hate having to give meds to a cat. Not an easy task either liquid or pills. Your fruit trees sound great. Jim is down in the meadow this morning planting "an orchard"...he bought 7 fruit trees. Unfortunately, they will be a while bearing fruit! Hope your day is good..

  6. Your cat is beautiful, but you are right about giving meds to pets. What is the pink flower in your first photo, it is lovely ?

  7. Hope your kitty gets better soon! I just had to take mine to the vet yesterday for an abscess too, no fun... At least mine though was offered pills or a one-time shot given by the vet. Of course I opted for the shot. Here's hoping both kitties are soon completely healed.
