

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 7 April 2010


I've written that in capitals as it's been such a rare occurrence in this household. Don't think we have had a proper day out since late last Autumn . . . that's a LONG time. We had to go to Brecon, to collect some yellow pigment to add to lime wash, so of course, the default setting of Hay-on-Wye kicked in the moment we knew we had to go to Ty Mawr for the pigment . . . Having dropped D off at the bus-stop for his 8 a.m. bus, we fled, we were in Brecon by 9 a.m. After going to Ty Mawr Lime, we parked up in the town and had a wander round. As per usual we visited a couple of charity shops, the outdoor clothing shop where OH bought some new walking socks, the bookshop, where I bought a couple of cheap books (£5 worth), and I indulged myself with a stroll along the frontage of the shop which sells plants and pet supplies.

What a lovely jug - with a lovely price way beyond our pocket . . .

OH fell in love with these bookshelves and made me take photos so he can make some like them for our next house . . . They're in Addyman's I think.

We were in Hay-on-Wye by about 10.15 and bought 4 hours' worth of parking, so we could just stroll round at our leisure. We made a beeline for the little cafe which does the most fabulous bacon baps (though I had sausages in mine) and washed our brunch down with a cup of Earl Grey. We had a wonderful time just walking very slowly round the bookshops, including going to a few ones we don't normally visit. We bought two books each - mine came under the category of countryside/nature, so that will give you a clue. I'll review them tomorrow.

You can buy all sorts in this antiques mart. I loved the embroidered piece below, but not the price . . .

Our son thinks we are the most boring old fuddy-duddies because we have a routine which we enjoy and follow whenever we go to Hay. To be honest, it's a small town so it's difficult too do anything other than visit our favourite shops! There is something very comforting about a routine, either on outings to favourite places, or during the day at home. We always go to the Antiques shop which is on several floors, with different dealers having a room each. We tut-tut over prices, admire some of the stuff for sale (though to be honest, you won't ever find me forking out £20 plus for a little embroidered tablecloth, however beautiful.)

It's nice to window shop too.

We stopped in a layby just outside Brecon so I could take photos of the mountains.

Here are the twin peaks of Pen-y-Fan, still with snow on their shoulders.

If you enlarge this, you will see the snow on the Carmarthen Fans, just to the edge of the big tree on the left.

I'd love a doll's house, but know they can be had, new, for a third of the price on this splendid one.

The old fuddy-duddies also stopped at the less up-market antiques mart on the way home, but nothing to tempt us there - as has been the case for the last few visits. Times have changed . . .


  1. It must be that I'm also a "fuddy-duddy" because I think your outing sounds just about perfect!
    We haven't established such a thing as a routine here yet--the cats informed us with increasing annoyance that we were staying abed way too long this morning and they weren't having it!
    Perhaps coffee on the east-facing front porch is the beginning of a new start to each morning.
    Ranks of built in bookshelves has been my desire in every house we've had. When I've mentioned it, J. has always said "too busy." If the plan matures to create an additional living space in the basement that would be a great place for me to stash my books.
    Is "limewash" a paint misture for the exterior of the house...sort of like "whitewash?"
    I've never been able afford "real" antiques, but a visit to such shops makes me appreciate the more my flea market hand-me-downs.

  2. I would love to sign up to accompany you on your next outing. My husband and I love reading and thusly buying books, and have each written one. The two bookshelves are magnificent. I am happy you enjoyed your day of freedom.
    We visited Wales and Devon too, which you mention, and those are both lovely areas. Hello from California :)

  3. Hello Terra. I have a big folder of notes for my Magnum Opus but it will have to wait until we move and are a bit nearer places where I can go and research. I am so glad that you enjoy travelling round with us!

    MM - I think it's an "age" thing - we have done the exciting bits, the silly bits, the freedom bits, and the bringing up kids bits and looking after aged parent(s), and now it is time to just enjoy . . .

    Yup, lime wash is whitewash. Ours will be yellowy - hopefully the right shade of yellow to as we can't afford to scaffold up the entire house, just do the bits that need touching up . . .

  4. Hi BB,

    Just to let you know I have tagged you for a theme post. If you would like to take part, go to the first folder of your pictures, select and post the 10th photo with a short explanation of what it is etc and then nominate 5 fellow bloggers to do the same {or not}.

    If you feel it doesn't fit with your blog, please ignore.


    Mine is here

  5. Love Hay on Wye, have spent many happy hours there, antiques and books together, what could be better.

  6. Sounds like a grand day out. We too, have our "routine" in Glastonbury, with lunch (or tea) at the same favourite cafes.

  7. I would have absolutely loved tagging along with you two today! Does that mean I'm a fuddy-duddy too? Guess so. I love all the expressions and am wondering what "bacon baps" are? Sounds good whatever it is! It all sounds wonderful to have a small town village to wander about in. Thanks for sharing all the great photos.


  8. SH - a "bap" is a large flat bread roll. Normally one would have a "bacon butty" (butty being a coloquial term for sandwich). The beauty of wandering round in Hay on Wye is that the shops are private traders - no chain shops selling shoes or clothes that you find in every town these days.

    Al - thanks. Will do! Wonder what photo will turn up?

    Mac 'n' Janet - I hope this brought back some memories for you.

    Kath - it's a couple of years since we were last in Glastonbury, and I can understand you having your favourite shops and routine there too.
