

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 25 April 2010

the Fleamarket

OH and I popped down to the Antiques Fair and Fleamarket this morning. To be honest, it's the Fleamarket bit we go for, as it has more interesting bits of junk! There are always stands packed full of beautiful pieces of glass and ceramics inside, and jewellery and stuff we can't afford. We have a gallop around that part, but it's the outside stalls we like to fossick around.

After about a fortnight of sunshine, it WOULD chose last night to rain, and so it was a little damp there this morning, with the occasional light shower, but it kept dry in the main. I always hate to see furniture or worse still, books, being ruined by the weather, and there are so many people who really DON'T care that stuff is being spoiled and don't even try to cover it over.
I went mad and spent two pounds on a gorgeous little plate in a pattern I have a meat plate in. I think it is the most beautiful design I have EVER seen. Think it's 1940s/50s - Crown Ducal Florentine "Rosalie". (See top of page, obviously!) I would love a whole dinner service in this pattern.

We were on a strict budget yesterday. OH was looking for knobs and brass handles for projects. I was just looking, with an eye open for unusual books. I found a great book on basket-making for just 50p, and it has really made me want to do another course. I have found one locally at the end of next month, so just debating whether to splash out on it. I rather think I will as it is an interest I would quite like to become proficient at - enough to make baskets for sale . . .

Then, the strangest thing. We went indoors to look at the pretty-china-and-glass stalls (you know, see one, you've pretty well seen them all, and we couldn't really afford or indeed have room for, any more china!) Anyway, there were books on offer too, but none of the authors I collect. Then we spotted a book called "Maid of Sker". Now hereby hangs a tale. OH has always been fascinated by a house called Sker (which this book is associated with). It used to belong to the T'Urberville knights of old and there is an upper room with the most wonderful plasterwork coats of arms in it. It fell into utter disrepair and at one stage was offered for sale for £1 I think, but you would need to spend best part of getting on for a million to do it up. I managed to dissuade OH from putting his pound on the table . . .

Anyway, the strange thing was that only the previous day a thought had suddenly come to me about this very book!! I thought, if I ever see it, I shall buy it for OH. Of course we parted with our money (£4) but I honestly believe this is more than pure coincidence, given other "things" which happen regularly in my life, and so, did I conjure it up - e.g. subliminally cause the seller to pack that book, or did her packing it subliminally get through to me? You will all probably think I am barmy, but it is a VERY unusual book and I've never seen a copy, even at Hay-on-Wye . . .

I will do a seperate post on it as the story is an interesting one too.


  1. The plate is very pretty, I would have parted with money too! I have never seen that design before.

  2. LOVE your plate! So pretty!
    Love flea markets and antique shops and just picked up a sweet tea cup last week...will post it sometime!
    Fascinating story about the book!
    And I was in Hay-on-Wye last year and just loved it! Loved Wales...period!
    Thanks for the peek at your blog,

  3. Oh, the plate...worth it! And the book...a pleasing find, too!
