

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 20 April 2010

R.I.P. Honey

Honey has been back and forth to the vet's recently, first with a mouth abscess and then what appeared to be another bad tooth. She went in to have the bad tooth removed today, but they found that her jaw was badly infected and reiterated that all this infection was probably due to Feline Leukemia or Aids. We made decision that she had suffered enough in these past couple of weeks and she was put to sleep this afternoon. She was only 5. At least she had some freedom in the two years whilst she was with us, and she loved her hunting. Poor little girly . . .


  1. How sad! I'm so sorry to hear about Honey. Not long after Jim broke his leg, our cat, Biscuit, died of feline leukemia. Since Jim's leg was in a cast, I was faced with digging the grave and burying her. I cried and dug the hole as deep as I could, knowing that if I didn't, a cougar might find her. This is always the hard part of farm life.

  2. Sorry to hear this BB. Same as our Bailey a couple of months ago. I feel for you.....

    kind regards....Al.

  3. I'm really sorry about this but I'm sure the decision is the right one - not that that makes it any easier. At least you gave her two good years.

  4. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. It's never easy to let a special animal go.

  5. I'm also sorry to hear about the loss of your girl. She is now romping and healthy as can be, waiting on the other side of the rainbow bridge.

    The memories are locked into your hearts.


  6. I am sad for you, losing a family member is so tough. Sending a virtual HUG..

  7. Sorry for your loss. Hope happy memories will replace your grief soon.

  8. My cats are my kids....And I know the pain that you are feeling. I am shedding a tear for your Honey.

  9. sorry to hear of little Honey.....

    hugs... Vee

  10. I find that my throat closes up and the tears threaten at the loss of pets I have never met. It all brings back similar losses and the remembered weeks of looking over my shoulder--almost thinking the beloved cat--or dog--or horse would be in the accustomed place, if only I could look quickly enough. It is a very particular kind of sadness.

  11. Sorry for your loss know when its right to let them go ...but it is so hard when they are young...5 is no age but what a great time Honey had with you, during her life. The memories will keep her alive in your heart. Take Care xx

  12. Thanks everyone. Tears on my pillow last night, and in my eyes still now. With having to make the same hard decision over Snowy in December, losing two cats within the space of 6 mths is hard. Two favourite cats too. Well, I suppose they are all favourites, but these two had such character.

  13. Oh so sad! And just as we are desperately trying to find someone to rescue our Bailey. It's heartbreaking and when the dastardly deed is done I will write a short blog about it.

  14. Oh my dear... I have only just caught up with your blog. I am so, so sorry to hear about Honey. I so feel your sadness at the moment and sending you huge hugs and lots of love!! Jane xxx

  15. So sorry to hear of your loss, have also had to make that painful decision and it's never easy. The last time it happened I swore no more cats, but my husband dragged me off to the local humane society and made me pick out a new one, and she is now the joy of our lives and rules our home with a velvet paw.

  16. I'm so sorry - we lost 2 cats (including my namesake) to feline AIDS, and haven't kept them since, it was too heartbreaking seeing young cats succumb. Your Honey was so pretty, the same colour as one of our two. I do feel for you.

  17. BB I am do very sorry to hear about Honey :-(( We had to make the same decision about our Pussywillow a few weeks back and miss her lots. (((hugs))) Hannah xx

  18. Sending my sympathies, and it is a comfort to read your friends words, we who have suffered the loss of a favorite puss...

    ...those we have loved, remain in our hearts forever.

  19. Oh my, your dear little Honey is in Heaven right now, playing with our tabby cat, who passed in February. Perhaps they are great friends now.
    I planted a little flower garden to honor our cat companion.

  20. Its sad losing a living creature that you love, a presence around the house but at least they are granted a painless release, and in the end there are always more animals out there to tug at our hearts ;) x

  21. Thank you all. I am sure she is giving Snowy what-for now, putting him in his place! and perhaps keeping Terra's tabby and Hannah's Pussywillow and Southern Heart's Biscuit company. I have love in my heart for another cat, should one come my way, but I have decided it would be nice to have another Maine Coon as they have such character. Perhaps when we have moved . . .
