

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 12 May 2010

It's bluebell time . . .

Yes, it's bluebell time here. These photos were taken a couple of years back, on the way up to the Smallholders' Show at Builth. Our local woods are mistily purpley blue and smell divine . . .

I'm surprized I'm still awake - I feel literally asleep on my feet, and everything above waist height is aching from painting bits just out of reach, or from coopying down to get rid of the moss on the bit of the wall at ground level. OH is doing the high bits and I am doing the bits I can reach from the ground/on a step ladder. Yesterday we cracked on with the back of the house. The far end, beyond OH, gets all the weather and there was hardly any lime-wash left on it, so we have thought long and hard and decided the wall would be painted with masonry paint this time, to try and protect it, as there is crumbly shale in amongst the stone, which is why the top half of the wall is slated up.

I did as much as I could do today, before running out of limewash and then bits I could reach, so I have been indoors painting down in what was mum's bedroom. I can now almost count the number of indoor walls left to paint on the fingers of both hands . . .

I would love to be able to crack on in the garden, but the nearest I got to that today was mowing the lawn before it came on to rain. Ah well. I managed to prick out some seedlings the other day and have some good Hollyhocks and Giant Stocks growing on well. Need to do the same with some Nicotiana and Double Blue Cornflowers in the next couple of days.

My Aquilegias are about to start flowering. I think I lost some over the winter - the nesh kind which of course were the more unusual colours or petals, but I took plenty of seeds last year so I will sow a couple of trayfulls and see what comes up. I have lots of good seedlings from the seeds I bought from the nursery on the Gower last year, ones with golden or splashed foliage, and unusual colours. I can't wait for them to flower. They will be coming with me to the new garden in some shape or form (plants or seeds or both).


  1. It's wild garlic time up here........

  2. I've got some just coming into flower by the front gate. I LOVE the smell. Reminds me of Dorset walks, especially one to Chapman's Pool.

  3. WOW ! Those bluebells; I thought ours in Whichford Woods were special, but up on those hillsides (cleared of trees I guess (??), well I have never seen the like; they are wonderful.

  4. I love bluebells, there is nothing like a bluebell wood under a canopy of Beech. I can almost smell your picture.

  5. I look forward to another spring when I can raise my own seedlings of both flowers and veg. Things from even the nicest nursery gardens come in theose wretched tiny plastic cells--no room for roots.
    I would live to walk in a bluebell wood. These so fleeting flowers of springtime--where ever in the world we live--are so welcomed each year. Affirmation.
