

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 7 July 2010

De-cluttering . . .

I overdid it with the painting this morning, as I had to tackle the ceiling in the Utility room(s) - one bit leads into another bit and they are as much bung-it places as a Utility. Not smart or anything - they're just THERE! Anyway, my old neck problem flared up and beause I had compressed something with the looking up and putting my arm up to paint, I got a stonking tension headache. I had to decamp to the other junk room, where I have now cleared, tidied and put away in good order what SHOULD be in the stationary cupboard . . .

In the course of my sorting, I came across all sorts of stuff I'd ever forgotten we had kept. Old letters from penpals (binned); old photographs of my kids taken about 12 years ago (D looked about 8 and so wee!) I found his Pokemon-training certificate (!!!) and just about every Easter and Christmas card they'd ever made at Junior school, and school projects (What I did in the Holidays) and the many drawings T had made of ladies in beautiful period ball gowns . . . (All kept). Somewhere in my sentimental box, I have a letter to Santa from one of my girls, imploring him not to give her sister anything for Christmas as she was being HORRID!!

I found the coloured paper that they used to make collages with; the pencil case made in DT using some flash computer-sewing-machine imagery for the motif; the top of a spear that my OH made for D; the crabbing lines we used to use on holiday; brochures for all sorts of historical attractions we'd planned to visit - many of them from our Scottish holidays back in the 90s.

I gave up about 3 o'clock as I was so weary and achey. Working double time yesterday didn't help as I spent 6 hours preparing fruit for cooking for the freezer, plus getting the peppers thinly sliced. I got 20 peppers (red or yellow) for £1; box of (7 lbs) small peaches (£1) and 2 boxes (11 pounds) of apricots (£2) as they needed using up FAST, and the freezer is now bulging, but gosh, preparing all that took forever.

I even polished up a battered old Victorian brass jam pan, and planted it up with two reduced potted flowers from T*sco . . .

Yesterday was also when our son returned from Denmark, where he'd gone to the Roskilde Music Festival with a couple of mates. He came home browner, leaner and more bearded than when he left . . .


  1. Oh that word strikes terror in my heart....

  2. BB your son is a hottie,omg dont tell him a nearly 40yr thinks that,he will be mortified,seriously though hes a lovely looking lad,you must be sooooo proud of him x x xx x
    psst I think theres a teeny resemblance of Mark Owen from Take That as well,but again he might not think thats very cool sigh lol!!!!!
    GTM xxxx x

  3. Nice looking young man!
    Also wonderful looking preserves and such, but, oh my, it does take time to prepare.
    We've had another glut of cucumbers after I had declared NO MORE PICKLES--I have to turn them into something or can't get around the kitchen counters.
    Necks and shoulders which hurt from too much painting and cranking to work overhead--utterly miserable. I know it all "wants done" but you are working yourself into exhaustion. It takes many weeks to recover from such household refurbishing and upheaval. [Trust me, I know this!]

  4. MM - how right you are, but I still have to work, work, work because folk will come viewing shortly (we hope!) and that blardy woman last week upset me with what she said (will e-mail you about it). I stopped work at 3 today, so that was a half day . . .

    GTM - he's not bad is he?!! He's a good lad too, not just a pretty face : )

    Kath- you can do it. If I can, then you can. It's very liberating!

  5. great work and so delecious fruit pics


  6. seema gupta - usually I turn surplus fruit into jam, but this time it's in the freezer for pies
    : )

  7. wow! You have been working hard. I always get a bad neck and headaches after painting ceilings - the result of a long ago neck injury.

    Isn't it amazing what you store away? So many memories in your cupboards..

  8. Good looking son! Just tell him he's safe. I'm 72! The fruit looks good too.

  9. Those peaches look delicious, we need them in Essex 31 degrees and getting hotter...Your son looks lovely and now you have another pair of hands to help ;)

  10. 31 degrees Thelma? I'd be melting - i am so glad we have thick walls which keep this house cool in the summer. Oh would love temps like that though!

    Chris J - : ) One of the houses we viewed last month belonged to a lady of 84, and we were amused to find she had a calendar of George Clooney in her kitchen!!!

    Sharie - I have been very good and thrown lots of genuine rubbish away, but stuff the children made when they were little has all gone in a special folder.

  11. Handsome son you have there! The peaches look delicious and how glad you'll be there in the freezer. I also love the hours spent when I find some long forgotten treasure to read and remember...

  12. Love the flowers in the jam pan, and your son, yes he looks like he just got back from a music fest...I remember the days :-)
