

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 29 July 2010

A morning at the Horse Sale

I spent the morning at the local horse sale yesterday. I kept my hands firmly in my pockets though the few I saw sold in the main ring were not attracting much in the way of prices - bidding started at 200 gns for a 16yr old Welsh Cob mare - good sort - had bred foals and been ridden regularly. Withdrawn at 390 gns . . . That set the pattern for the prices . . .

Two friends about to be parted.

The palomino on the right reminded me so much of one I knew when I was a teenager - we called him Windy and he was such a poppet.

I love golden duns - I hope this one sold well.
Riding horses (rather liked the Roman nose on this one)

. . . and driving horses.

This little Shetland stallion didn't know he was little and had SUCH an attitude - as he was led across to his stall, he was screaming and striking out with his front feet!

They used to call these (1/4 or 1/2) Shire x cobs "Colliers" and there was a great demand for them in the mining areas of Wales.

Spots - I fear some local breeders think the demand is for the colour and not the attractiveness of good conformation of the equine wearing them . . . Poor lass (above) - quite the ugliest mare I have ever seen, spots or no.


  1. Oh, I don't know how you resisted! I would be dangerous at a horse sale - agree, love the pretty coloured pony with roman nose and love the golden dun. My daughter has recently been learning to play polo (luckily at a local farm polo club - much, much cheaper!) and has been fortunate enough to ride some beautiful ponies - I'll try to post some photos soon!

    Willow x

  2. I had a couple of unfortunate experiences with horses in my teenage years and never had the opportunity to see if I could be won over since. I like -- love -- most animals. I feel sure given the right guidance and support I could learn to like them. I WANT to like them. But I think the opportunity is way past time now.

  3. hi- not sure how I got to your blog, but really enjoyed reading through your archives now I'm here!

    Thanks for the horse sale photos- a place that I'm banned from visiting in person as I CANNOT sit on my hands!
    The last time was a visit to Ascot tb sales and there's certainly not enough room here to describe what we came home with!

    Good luck with your house sale and re-location

  4. Like Chris, I can wish that riding and being easy around horses had been a part of my background. I admire them and I love our dear Pebbles. But I maintain that horses are capricious characters.
    My downfall has always been bringing home cats and kittens who were needy of a home. I daresay the housing and feeding issues for a horse are much greater. In fact, I have to recall Bob the Mule who was given to J. and was capable of escaping from any pasture.

  5. We had horses when our daughter was a teenager and I enjoyed riding, but to be truthful I actually enjoy taking care of horses more than I do riding them.

  6. Loved this post. I still have a 36 year old pony (welshxArab) but stopped riding due to lack of time.
    I loved the golden dun too, very well made animal. Seems the bottom is falling out of horse prices at the moment but then everything else is dire too.
