

Jennie's recipes

Monday 9 August 2010

Getting organized

Following a wee prompt over on Rhonda's fabulous "Down to Earth" blog where she sets us a pantry challenge, my guilty conscience got the better of me this morning, and I set to and cleared mine out. No horribly out-of-date packets this time, but lots of opened stuff which should be in jars, and I had an enjoyable time looking out old jars and collected-from-car-boot-sale special glass containers to put stuff in.

The "before" picture is very blurry (hadn't realized, but you get the gist!)

The "after" picture is in glaring flash, and shows a distinct improvement!

And as a reward, I bought myself a copy of this with the last £4 in my purse. . .

Now I need to process the £1 tray of tomatoes I bought this morning, bake some biscuits (Chocolate Macaroons have been requested by my son) and make a loaf of bread.

1 comment:

  1. OOh chocolate macaroons, I'm guessing chocolate and coconut, what a delicious combination.
    I like the little "action packed" cat pic!
