

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 21 August 2010


I am sorry to have been so quiet this week. Partly this is due to our eldest daughter and her boyfriend being in residence, and I have been busy in the kitchen, baking and cooking for 6 of us, which makes a pleasant change.

I have also been dealing with garden produce. Surprisingly I had a last usable picking of Rhubarb, but I really DO think this is the last this time. I have beans of various persuasions coming out of my ears, and the courgettes are having a race to see which one can become a marrow first!

On Tuesday I met a penpal of VERY long standing. We started corresponding when we were 15 or 16 years old, but because she lives at the other end of the country, have never met. She was down in Wales for the big dog show at Builth, so she and her husband, eldest daughter and grand-daughter came to visit, and we talked and talked. It was lovely to meet them and we all got on so well. I hope it won't be another 42 years before we next meet or we'd be centenerians!

We have had it up to HERE with the estate agent. I am afraid incompetent is the understatement of the year. We are sick of being fobbed off with stupid excuses, and now downright lies, and have appointed another agent who, to be honest, we should have gone with in the first place and lowered our price to a more competitive one (t'other agent wrong on that too). Their website has a big footfall of people wanting places with land, so fingers crossed . . .

Alfie with a mole his mummy caught for him . . .


  1. What an adorable kitty photo. I just became a new foster mum (again) to 2 sister kitties, they have been bottle babies, since 2 days old, they were found in a plastic bag in a ditch. I was chosen to continue the foster with adoption.
    Love all of your going-on's your beautiful space, wishing you peace and well-being with your new agent, remember, follow your gut instincts you have.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. You have been busy and frustrated but how sweet to meet your long time penpal! Sweet kitten photo--you should check out my kitty blog for some more kitten cuteness.

  3. Oh, cunning kitten! Is this one of the barn cats' babies? I hope he won't try to eat the mole--mother cats are supposed to tell their offspring that moles are indigestible--just good for batting about.

  4. Lovely to meet you both on Sunday, you have an absolutely gorgeous house, Paul could'nt stop talking about it. It has such immense character (and ghosts), it is as you said, like the Tardis, and I still can't get over all your chutneys and jams downstairs, though with the family and friends I can see the need ;) Sorry I forgot the fleece but will email later.. still full of MY Wales
    Thelma xx
