

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Come for a short walk with me

It was a beautiful Autumn day yesterday, and as I am now recovered from my chest infection, I decided it was time to start getting fit again, and started with a gentle walk down by the river, with my eldest daughter for company.

Umbellifer seed heads with cobwebs.

White Himalayan Balsam makes a pleasant change from the usual pink. In recent years it has colonized the entire river valley.

I love the shades of green throughout this picture.

The lane by the river, which regularly gets flooded once the winter months arrive.

Down by the old mill, the river crashes over the boulders once more.

We walked just to where the lane turns in this photo. That felt quite far enough for a first walk after being poorly. We probably did a mile and a half in all.

Looking Northwards up our valley, towards Brechfa.

Look carefully and you will see what I think is a Devil's Coachman, bending up his bottom in Scorpion-fashion.

A glimpse of what was once a home. Penrhiwmelyn.

A Red Kite soaring high above us. Close by were 3 Buzzards and a Crow. I always feel so privileged when I see a Kite . . .

The hill home and a recent casualty of high winds. This ash tree split in half and has only been saved from bringing down our phone line by the fact that another ash tree caught it . . .

Home . . .


  1. Glad you are feeling better, you're obviously having nicer weather than we are, it's grey and wet here with not much sign of it changing at the moment.

  2. If it's any consolation Rowan, it's pouring today!

  3. Beautiful place for a walk, glad you're feeling better.

  4. I like the photo of your newly refurbished home seen softly blurred behind the twigs.
    Sunny autumn days are so perfect and precious--and so fleeting!
    It is beautiful weather here this week, although distinctly chilly with mist in the mornings.

  5. Lovely photos! We had masses of kits when we lived in the Chilterns, but I never managed to get a snap of one. My favourite photo is the one you took of the wall.

  6. I love the Red Kite photo.

    Good to hear that you are feeling better BB.Your countryside looks as beautiful as ever, with the wet, dark greens and greys of late summer.

  7. Glad you are getting better BB,gorgeous photos, wish I was walking by that river with you, I must find out the farm where I stayed when a child, and fished in the river and tickled for trout ;)
