

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 23 September 2010

Treading water

For the past week or so I feel like I have been wading through treacle. A chest infection, which I chose to ignore ("it's just a cough") had really taken a hold and strong anti-biotics were needed to knock it on the head. I have had to try and rest up, but I find this very difficult. However, most of the time I just felt like I had drunk a bottle of something very strong, and had a woolley head and no energy whatsoever. I have taken the last pill now, so hopefully I will get my brain and my energy back.

I have watched tv and read. I couldn't even muster enough energy or desire to sew - or rather, I really wanted to sew, but just couldn't get my brain to co-operate. I just wanted to SIT.

Well, I have tried to inspire myself now, by taking these photos. I REALLY want to get started on the beautiful picture of Widecombe-in-the-Moor, but know that I should be finishing off my Devon village x-stitch first. I want to work through all those lovely Flower Fairy charts too . . .

Anyway, I have at least allowed myself the indulgence of writing a shopping list of DMC threads I need for the Widecombe picture. Why is it that however many skeins of embroidery floss you have (the box is just the overflow from the many many skeins looped through holes punched in the sides of old cornflake packets) you always need more when you start a new project?


  1. Years ago when I did x-stitch, I made up a box just like yours. Slowly, I worked at buying the whole list of colors. I still have it and use it on occasion. I'm especially glad since DMC threads are no longer sold locally. Please feel better soon and let your body and brain rest and heal.

  2. I do so hate being on antibiotics. They make feel worse than I was to begin with. Glad you're beginning to feel better.

  3. I do so hope you feel better soon - antibiotics are useful but do make you feel bad whilst you are taking them. Enjoy your embroidery project - I;m sure there is a website for cut-price threads. I'll see if I can track it down.

    All the best, A.

  4. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Please take it easy, and do not over do it. It will be there looking at you the next day.
    Beautiful x-stitch. When you are better, get in gear and get started but don't do it with a fuzzy head.

    Denimflyz in the US

  5. Sorry that you've felt so rotten, hope things start to improve now that the antibiotics have had chance to do their stuff. I know what you mean about the embroidery threads, I have around 300 but nearly always need to buy at least one more if I start a new project. The Devon and Widecombe pictures are beautiful but a lot of work by the looks of it. And of course I love the Flower Fairies.

  6. I hope you will soon feel back to your old self BB. It`s a horrible feeling to be so lacking in motivation when you are usually such a busy an enthusiastic person.

  7. Do get better BB, I know exactly how you feel with the 'wuzziness', just take it easy, find a decent light and do those Flower Fairies embroideries. xx

  8. I hope you're better now! I caught my grandson's cold and had it worse than he did! I do know what you mean brain kept thinking of things that I wish I felt like doing. Sewing...painting...and so on. Seeing your pics makes me want to get my cross-stitch out again! I love all the colors...

    I have a new website now...Thinking About It is now Please stop by and sign up for a giveaway I'm doing!
