

Jennie's recipes

Friday 26 November 2010

Dinefwr Park

Well, Newton House really, which is in Dinefwr Park. I had a stroll around the park on Wednesday, when we were in the area. The heavy mist made it all look quite magical.

Above and below: A fallen giant provides a home for countless invertebrates and those who feed on them . . .

The beautifully fissured bark of an ancient Sweet Chestnut tree.

And again . . .

Above and below: Despite there being lots of dead and damaged and fallen trees, this is actually managed woodland. It is managed with wildlife in mind, and because of the wonderful habitat, over 400 different species of beetles have been recorded here. As there are ponds and lakes in the grounds, their proximity to ancient woodland (some of the trees are a thousand years old and formed field boundaries initially) encourages bat species such as whiskered, noctules, Natterer's and Daubenton's bats.

A stand of trees near to where we were involved in the Dig for the Roman fort. As it happened, we found two - one pretty early - on this site.

I walked along this trackway to try and get nearer to the White Park Cattle that live here. From the driveway the herd had been barely visible in the mist - no, it was more like fog . . .

As you can see, I was successful as there were a few herd members on this side of the parkland. White cattle have been associated with Dinefwr since the days when the Laws of Hywel Dda, the 10th C leader of Deheubarth (Dinefwr Castle was at its centre) when fines and payments were recovered in white cattle.

This is a peek of the beautiful stable yard through the mist. On my way past it I had noticed a little tortoiseshell cat - what a wonderful place for a cat to live!


  1. Lovely photos BB, especially those of the fallen tree and the chestnut bark. It is wonderful to know that the woodland is being managed with living creatures in mind. Tidying up isn't always a good thing :)

  2. Absolutly stunning photos BB. It is almost too close to look like a Harry Potter movie.
    Your photos are very magical and mysical to me. Thank you.

  3. Those ancient trees are wonderful. I think I would have liked to stroll around the park with you, but I'm thinking that you must have been in need of hot tea and a dry jacket after being out in such a heavy mist.

  4. Such beautiful old parkland and your misty photos add to the sense of its past. You must feel a special attachment to this place after being involved in a dig there.

    When we visited the house a year or so ago, the magnificent herd of White Park Cattle were grazing and sunbathing not far from the back windows. They have to be one of my favourite breeds of cattle.
