

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 6 November 2010

Home Alone . . .

Much as I love my family, it is nice for just my husband and I to have the house to ourselves for a change. T&J are away for the weekend, D off with a friend overnight, and G now up in Edinburgh, doing her Grand Tour. So K and I can have a quick meal tonight (ham and chips I suspect), and sit down and watch Merlin and anything else we fancy. I've just been sat down with my sewing (a tablecloth I am finishing the embroidery on), watching the racing, without any interruption and without having to stop to prepare a decent supper.

I promised some recipes, so they will be the next blog entry.

The photograph was taken this morning, looking out from the window across to the farm buildings beyond.


  1. Hi BB

    Glad you had some special time without having to rush after everybody. Love the photo, reminds me of my holiday just recently where was fly fishing from the early hours 6.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. in Scotland (Dumfries and Galloway) with OH's new found sister. You do take some lovely photos.

    Take care



  2. Enjoy your quiet time with the other half. Stunning am photo, very magical.
    Enjoy your weekend


  3. I love that photo, very atmospheric.

  4. We miss having our "children" nearby but I'm good with it being just the two of us in this little house. I think grown children in residence are apt to revert to thinking of mother as synonymous with "caterer."

  5. I agree with you MM! It is always good to have the young ones home again but it can be hard work unless they are reminded to share the cooking and the chores.

    BB - it is good to hear that you had a chance to relax this weekend. A well deserved break!
