

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 17 November 2010

No motivation

I'm sorry, I have no motivation to blog at the moment due to family problems, which may not be resolved for some time. I will try and kick myself into action, but if the blog seems abandoned or just has photos, it's because I am struggling a bit. i shall be glad when this year ends and hope to God that 2011 may bring some improvement.

Photos are the sun setting as we returned from Hay-on-Wye last week.


  1. Sending lots of best wishes and positive thoughts your way BB.

  2. I'm right there with ya!!!!! 2011 better be FANTASTIC! because 2010 has really SUCKED!

  3. My thoughts and stellar karma I am sending to you in your time of need. Please know that we all are here for you, BB.
    I too, hope that 2011 will be better for us all.

    My Loving Regards to you

  4. Sending hugs and hope things improve soon for you x

  5. Sending blessings to you and yours xx

  6. I totally understand BB - a chaos-free week (just one, even) is my Christmas wish. I am sending sunny thoughts to you! {{{squinting eyes as head goes forward in deep concentration....}}}

  7. Thank you all. It means SO much to me to have the support of friends right now. I will try and post tomorrow - perhaps something about West Country dialect as I've been reading a book on it tonight and would love to share with you all.

  8. That photo is lovely and hopeful, sun either rising on a new day or setting on old problems. I hope things turn around.--Hart

  9. Sending good thoughts your way, hope that things sort themselves out and that your path becomes smoother very soon.

  10. I'm thinking of you and hoping you can resolve your problems; I know what it is like and it is so brave of you to blog about difficulties. So often I have found that blogging friends and acquaintances keep me going. And as ever, your photos are just gorgeous and so evocative.

  11. Keep your chin up BB, and keep blogging, we'd all miss your photos terribly...
    Love and best wishes from both of us to all your family xxx

  12. Keeping you in my thoughts, BB. **hugs**

