

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 6 February 2011

Busy weekend and an award.

I received this lovely award from Laura, at Our Scented Cottage blog. Many thanks Laura.

To Accept The Award Requirements: Thank and Link Back to the Blogger Who Awarded You With The Award and Share 7 Things About Yourself. Award 15 Recently Discovered Great Bloggers and contact the bloggers, inform them of the award.

Seven things about me:

1. Apart from family, cats and photographs, the first thing I would rescue in a fire would be my Dissertation from Uni.
2. I dislike gardens with flowers planted in straight lines - I like Cottage Gardens.
3. When I was younger, I thought people who raved about Church and Cathedral architecture were batty - now I find I'm one of them!
4. If I could go back in time, I would go back to 1812 and ask my 3 x g. grandfather which village he had moved from.
5. When I was still at school I wanted to become a journalist.
6. Whenever I go to Dartmoor, it is like going home.
7. I have more than 200 recipe books - most of them about country and farmhouse recipes.

I don't think I can run to 15 blog nominations for awards, but . . .

1. Wisteria and Cow Parsley
2. Ravenwood Forest
3. Kit and Kaboodle
4. The Wind and the Wellies
5. Needles, Sticks and Hooks
6. Seasonal Hearth
7. Frugal Queen

Argggh! I just pressed publish instead of save as draft!!!!! Back later to sort this out and inform 1 - 7 that they are the chosen ones.

Then I will tell you about my weekend . . .

Back - I hope I got everyone. I had a fabulous Saturday where I spent all day making my brain work for a change, enjoying a series of lectures and talks on archaeology and history local to where I live. I just wish I had been able to participate in the 3 years of the project, but life got in the way. Meanwhile, some of my blog postings and research may still be able to be used to contribute to the store of knowledge.

Today I made Lemon Curd - I have to tell you, on ice cream it is DIVINE!


  1. Wow - well done on the award! Loved the last walk you blogged about! No snowdrops out here yet.

    Thanks for putting me on your list! Very humbled and glad you like my sewing box.......

  2. Is your lemon curd recipe in the sort of measures that I could get my head around--I don't "do" metric!
    I used to once in a while by a jar of it from a specialty kitchen shop--I think the brand was Stonewall Kitchen--james, preserves and such made in Maine. I tried making it several times and it was more sugary than lemon-y--not as good as it should have been.
    The lectures on local history sound intriguing--

  3. MM - I don't do metric either. I'll put the recipe up later today for you. It is DIVINE, really DIVINE, on vanilla ice cream!!!

    Orkney flowers - Now I need to find another sewing box like that for the seeds, as they are in a proper jumble right now (bit like my head!)

  4. Wouldn't you think I could proof read my comments a bit better!
    I just came back to say that I enjoyed sampling the blogs you listed here--blogging has unleashed any number of us who enjoy sharing our gardens, our kitchens and crafts.

  5. I'm happy you like the award and yes, do feel free to use the Irish quote!

    A week of wonder to you,

  6. Enjoyed reading the seven things about "you". We have several of them in common! I'll have to visit the blogs you recommended. I would love to have the recipe for lemon curd also - definitely not metric here either ;-)...


  7. Thank you so much for the nomination, I'm sorry I haven't replied earlier but I've been having problems with the sign in process on blogger which meant it wouldn't let me leave comments on anyone's blogs - very frustrating but hopefully all rectified now!

  8. Hi- lost in space for a bit... here to thank you for the award, I hope to get to the 7 things about myself post in a bit. Enjoyed rooting around on your blog!
