

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Lemon Curd

Just very quickly, is the Lemon Curd recipe I promised MM:


2 large or 3 small lemons
4 large eggs
6 oz caster sugar (3/4 cup I think)
4 oz unsalted butter (1/2 cup I think)

Grate rind of lemons, making sure not to include any pith, into a basin. Add sugar. In another basin, beat eggs well with juice from the lemons. Pour over lemon rind and sugar. Add butter, cut into small pieces, and place basin over a pan of hot water or use a double saucepan. Cook very gently, stirring frequently, until thick. This will take about 20 mins. Pour into warm jars and cover in the usual way. Store in a cool place nad use within 1 month of making.

(Vvariation: St Clement's Curd: replace 1 lemon with 1 large orange.)


  1. It`s a few years since I made Lemon Curd. This recipe sounds delicious. I can imagine it spread on your wonderful home baked bread!

  2. Ooh--that sounds lovely. Lemon is one of my favorite flavors. I assume castor sugar is what we call granulated [?] Thank you for posting this.

  3. I make this, too, only a bit differently:

    I love this stuff!!

  4. MM - Caster sugar is a finer version of granulated - not confectioner's sugar, but not as coarse as granulated. Rather than pay extra for it in the shops, I make mine by sticking it in the blender for a few seconds.

    DW - a dollop on some ice cream is AMAZING!

    Nan - off to check out your recipe!
