

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 10 March 2011

Yesterday's walk . . .

. . . . was an error. I'd scarcely gone half a mile and my hips and lower back were very painful. I blame the shoe inserts the podiatrist gave me recently, to try to level up my right leg. I have to gradually build up the time wearing them, and have obviously got to the stage where tendons and ligaments are being re-aligned. Ouch! I had my walking trainers on yesterday and they are normally comfortable . . .

This little lane leads to a farm, but just after the bend there is a lovely view across to Black Mountain and much of the Towy Valley too.

I love exploring and this holloway led me off the beaten track for a quarter of a mile or so until common sense (and tiredness and the wrong footwear) prevailed and I retraced my steps. Another day . . .

These two oak trees looked like conjoined twins . . .

I would like to walk this trackway in its entirety - but yesterday wasn't the day. I can't remember where it ends either, so I need to get my local map out and perhaps walk it with my son when he has a day off.

Black Mountain looking soft and misty. This is the view from the farm track.

Another view across to Garn Goch and Black Mountain, from the road.

The Italianate tower that is all that remains of Pantglas (the estate is now a complex of Nordic chalet style holiday cottages). The tower isn't leaning - it was the angle of the hillslope.

Walking down to the Pantglas turning, with the sun out on the hills above Llanfynydd.

The last downhill stretch into our valley was a relief for my aching bits. This old oak tree looks to be completely dead apart from a few twigs right at the very top.


  1. Gorgeous photos, time for another visit to Wales I think :-D

  2. What a treat for this Missourian (USA), a walk in Wales.

    I hope you rest up and are able to go again and share with us.

  3. Beautiful photos, as always.

    It does sound as though some "realignment" is going on! I hope the aches soon get better.

  4. LOvely pictures hun, but dont push yoourself too hard. Inserts do take time and hopefully it wont be long until you are comfortable wearing them. If not, go back.

  5. Oh...if I could only smell the earth...but next best is 'walking' with you via photographs.

  6. Fi - it was my standard 3 mile walk (as much as I have time for at present). Everything is gradually being realigned I suuppose, but I am starting to be aware of it now!

    Teri & gld - glad you enjoyed our stroll together. I nearly always walk alone as OH doesn't like to walk as far as me (I have walking genes).

    DW - I felt very "old" and creaky!

    Kath - if you're down this way, I hope you will call in for a cuppa.
