

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 14 April 2011

History . . .

One of the stunning 12th century frescos at the beautiful church we visited on Monday. Just to whet your appetite . . .

Ill be back again later, with postings about the 2 churches (leaving the best until last of course), but just when I should be cracking on with painting the office walls, now I have got some more cream emulsion as the white really DOESN'T work in here, I am on a wonderful voyage of discovery reading about Edmund Crouchback, Roger Mortimer, Blanche Mortimer, Piers Gaveston and the Marcher Lords et al.

I wish they'd taught us more of THIS sort of history at school - I really wasn't that enamored of the Industrial Revolution (though I would be much more so these days, especially the Social History that our teacher merely paid lip service to). I can honestly say that only when I left school, did I actually start learning as I read about the things which interested me . . .


  1. Your comments about school and learning BB are so true about most subjects unless one happens to have an inspired teacher.

  2. I have to agree that the history we read in school is a very surface sort of "canned" subject--a few highlights, a few famous names.
    J. and I spoke of this last week as we watched [for about the 4th time] Ken Burns' documentary of the American Civil War. Since last viewing it nearly a decade ago we've learned something of our own respective families' involvement--which makes the era, with its insane battles and bloodshed far more immediate.

  3. I have lots of photos of Kempley (old) church, it is only about 3 miles away from here and is wonderful. Pity you couldn't visit but maybe next time?

    The "new" church at Kempley is pretty stunning as well, but in a very different way.

    Newent Church, nearby, is also worth a visit, Saxon with later bits and a fab Green Man over the doorway ;-)

    Nice pub next to the church as well.
