

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Visualisation Board

I have been feeling very down in the dumps over the house selling situation, as there has been no interest in our house. We have dropped the price yet again but the agent still thinks we should go with their recommendation. This would put it at just 2/3 of the top valuation we had and although we realize in retrospect that this was a flattering figure done purely to get our business. So I think another agent will have to be consulted.

A couple of friends have suggested I try a visualisation of what we would like to come to pass. Kim sent me a few cuttings from magazines to give me the idea, and this afternoon I finally got around to creating a visualisation board. Just making it cheered me up. It encapsulates what we want in the next home. I cut out lovely cottages and gardens, chickens, ducks, crafty things for me to make, nice furniture, a polytunnel (!) and in the centre are a family who might be like that who fall in love with our house. I am imagining them as a youngish doctor and his family, with a widowed mother who needs the granny flat downstairs. I expect some people reading this might think it is a pointless exercise, but I have nothing to lose. It is said that it is possible to influence outcomes, so I may as well have a go.

If nothing else, it looks pretty!

Oh, and I heard someone singing Fleetwood Mac's "Landslide" earlier on and just can't get it out of my head now. I found it on you tube and have been singing along - that made me feel good too . . .


  1. GReat idea hun, Cosmic ordering at its best ... go for it :-)

  2. Your visualization is charming and powerful and I think it is a great idea. I hope the ideal buyers will find your house soon.

  3. I will send positive thinking and thoughts to you for your quest.
    Please don't get in the dumps, though I know how hard it is to slide into the dumps.

  4. If it lifts your spirits then it will have done its task......

    And who doesn't need a bit more Fleetwood Mac occasionally.

    Hope it goes well for you.

  5. Oh selling a house can be very discouraging, but I do like the idea of your Visualization. Hope you find a buyer soon.

  6. I love your visualization board! Mine would be similar....but the thatched cottage isn't a possibility in the US! They always appeal to me so much.

    Good luck with selling your present house. Our neighbor's house sat vacant for almost a year; but is now sold. Be patient.

  7. What a great idea! I hope it draws that perfect buyer to you after such a long wait...... Good therapy in the meantime and a collection of lovely images.

  8. That's such a beautiful board, so full of hope and optimism. Hold those feelings in your heart my dear and focus on your buyers falling in love with your house. They'll be beating a path to your door :D

  9. Just remind yourself BB that it only needs ONE person to come along who likes your house. It is such a stressful time.

  10. I hope you get all those lovely things. Its true what the last comment said, don;t lose heart.

  11. I know people who swear by the visualization boards. Stay positive and keep the vision of what you want to find in your heart. If I could I would love to buy your current home. Sadly that probably won't happen. Be of good cheer and I will light a candle that the right folks come to you
