

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 3 April 2011

What does Amazon recommend for you?

We've never really celebrated Mother's Day here. Of course, when my "bigs" were "smalls", I used to get hand-made Mother's Day cards and often little gifts made at school (still treasured and kept . . .) Anyway, today my middle daughter said to get myself a Mother's Day gift if I wanted, so I went straight to Amazon and ordered myself the new Jean Auel book (The Painted Caves) but I will have to wait patiently to arrive as it's on the free delivery. I think Amazon REALLY has my number, as it is recommending Knit your own Royal Wedding to me, Knitted Fruit, and 75 Knitted Birds and Butterflies, Francis Pryor's The Making of the British Landscape, a Western DVD called Broken Trail, Kit Berry's Magus of Stonewylde (already have it) and Henry Stephens's Book of the Farm (as recommended by Alex Langlands and much referred to in the Victorian/Edwardian Farms. . .) What does Amazon recommend YOU buy? That should be quite intrigueing . . .

We spent the day today selling half the contents of my kitchen, plus sundry other objects, at an Antiques Fair/Fleamarket on the showground. We nearly DIDN'T go. The weather was NOT good first thing and we sat in a lay-by for an hour, hoping that the heavy rain would clear up. It didn't appear to improve, so we decided to cut our losses and went to get some diesel. As we were driving away, the weather Westwards appeared to have improved, so we thought that perhaps we would risk it. Risk is the word as the pitch fee is £48 if you don't book in advance . . .

We had to join a queue of people wanting to buy, and I think we were the last people there unpacking. Anyway, it was worth it because we sold and sold, and my much-loved treasures went to some folk who would appreciate them. We did well, and since we have some more big bills looming, that was quite a relief. Gosh, we even carried on making money once we got home as someone who was interested in another piece we had mentioned, followed up with a phone call and bought an old cast iron 6 gallon boiler . . .

I didn't spend a penny until we walked around once we'd packed away, and then I blew £7 on three books - The Complete Country Bazaar (mag. from 1 - 11 in hardback book) YIPPEE!! - a book about Ley Lines, and John Seymour's The Lore of the Land. I was thrilled to bits.

I look forward to hearing what Amazon thinks you would like to buy . . .


  1. Beautiful Daffodils on your banner. I've been out of commission for a while but doing better now. Have to take it one day at a time. Glad your sale went well despite the rain. I didn't recognize any titles you mention but the one about the caves looks intriguing.

  2. Well to be honest when Amazon contacts me its normally craft based/knitting books archaeology and plus of course children books - still in love with Shirley Hughes - Lucy, Mog of course and another I found on the grandchildren's shelves this time round was Lucy Boston - Green Knowe. These books were for my daughter and I remember being entranced by the stories, just looked them up, and the old manor house, is supposedly the oldest inhabited house in England, think I might buy them all again for my second childhood ;)..
