

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Keeping busy

Where has this last week gone? I have been working flat out on the house and garden, as we are changing estate agents (again), having been so badly advised last year. We have been doing yet more painting, re-organizing, tidying up and so on. You would be surprised how long it takes, but then this IS such a big house. Out in the garden I was horrified to find I removed TWO wheelbarrow loads of weeds from my borders (Creeping Buttercup is NOT tolerated here!), and I have been going round edging with a sharp spade edge, and also going flat out in the vegetable garden. This year I'm growing potatoes, courgettes, a couple of different sorts of runner beans, lots of French beans, leeks, spring onions, carrots, onions, pak choi, cucumbers, several different tomatoes and sweet peppers.

The hot April has given me a handful of raspberries in the first week of June (unheard of) and my early peas are nearly ready to pick, as are the first sowings of pak choi and spring onions. I am going to have masses of gooseberries, and a good picking of black- and red-currants too. I am longing to make Elderflower Syrup, and hope to fit that in today. We have some much-needed rain, so I'm glad I got on out in the veg. plot yesterday.

Another agent is coming for a valuation on Thursday, whilst the newly-appointed agent is coming tomorrow to take photographs. Let's hope (with a further drop in price) that someone will actually come and VIEW now. It is soul-destroying working so hard to no purpose.

These are home-made planters from lengths of a hollow branch of a dead Willow tree we felled for firewood. I over-wintered these Geraniums and have planted them back out with Strawberries and Cream Nasturtiums.

One of my old-fashioned ramblers just flowering. This one has a French name (I think) and a beautiful perfume.

The Clematis are happy with the sunshine too. I have nearly a dozen planted all over the garden.

Sweet Cecily grows wild all over Carmarthenshire and is the County plant emblem. The leaves can be used in salads and have a slightly aniseed flavour. It was also used in the past to sweeten gooseberries and rhubarb.


  1. The tree branch planters look lovely. What a good idea.

    Hoping that all your hard work on the house and garden will pay off this summer!

  2. Phew - you must be knackered!

    Fingers crossed for you up here too.....

    I'm not getting any {job} viewings up here either and I've dropped my price by more than 50%

  3. It all looks very appealing.I'm sure the housing market is picking up, my Brother just sold his house in the first fortnight.
    Anyone longing to "escape to the country" would fall in love with your property.

  4. You have been busy! I love those planters that you've made, they look really good. I take it you are feeling better than you did? You must do to be getting through so much work!

  5. Al - completely and utterly. See next post! And I chopped and cooked 8 lbs of peaches too . . . Fingers crossed you find a job - you certainly deserve to.

    Rowan - the planters may not last very long - a couple of years perhaps - but they look lovely right now.

    Kath - I do hope that is the case. A lady estate agent we are friendly with in Devon cannot understand why neither agent advertised our house properly so that it got a London audience . . .

  6. That sweet cecily is gorgeous!

    Do hope you have better luck with the new estate agent.
