

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 24 July 2011

Victorian Values

I have a good stash of books about how the Victorians lived - in cities, the labouring poor, rural life, poverty, upstairs/downstairs, criminal world - all sorts. One thing that has stuck in my mind over the years was the parenting of middle and upper class children.

In particular, children were taught how to cope with disappointments. They would be promised a treat - a wonderful day out to somewhere they had always wanted to go. It was talked up and they got so excited. The day arrived, and they dressed up, got together everything they needed, and trooped together in SUCH high spirits to the front door - and then they were told that it wasn't going to happen. It had all been set up by their parents so they would learn how to cope with disappointment.

Today I knew just how they felt. As some of you know, our house has been for sale for a year now. We have just changed to a new (3rd) agent, and this one is reliable and has kept us in touch with what has been happening with the marketing of our house. A week ago we heard from them that someone was coming to view the house, today. I have spent the last week labouring hard to get the house absolutely perfect - it is SUCH a big house so it's not something which can be achieved overnight. By mid-afternoon today there was not a single hair on the carpets or smear on the windows - it was perfect. When I woke up this morning I was feeling absolutely dreadful as I had scarcely slept at all last night. I dragged myself around, accomplishing small jobs very slowly - I felt like I was stuck in a tar pit. Anyway, the witching hour finally arrived - but no viewer. We waited an hour, knowing all along that it had been a complete and utter waste of time. I should have stayed in bed this morning and caught up on my sleep, rather than force myself to do yet more jobs.

So there you have it - a time-waster. Someone who doesn't give a damn about how much inconvenience they have caused. They were due to view our neighbour's property before ours, but she had an offer and cancelled their viewing. They obviously decided not to come to this area at all - or at any rate, not to bother with our house.

To say I am gutted is an understatement. Back to limbo then . . .


  1. I am so sorry! How truly frustrating! I am sure the PERFECT buyer is out there who will love your home as much as you have and still do.

  2. That is just appalling but typical of the complete lack of manners and consideration for others that is prevalent in today's society. Let's hope a really nice buyer turns up for you very soon.

  3. One phone call from the prospective buyers would have saved you so much work and anxiety! I am so sorry that you had such a difficult day BB. Hoping that you can relax in the sunshine today and that the new owners of your house will soon appear.

  4. I think that behaviour is unforgivable ...but So many do not think of any one but themselves ... I do hope you get some rest ...and you do finally get a buyer.

  5. We had this experience a number of times during the years of selling houses. If a viewer cancelled and let the agent know, she was always quick to inform us. Too often the agent didn't know and was also waiting for a client to show up. If the house being shown was one of our 'spec houses' the preparation wasn't so time-consuming--a quick dusting and hoovering, making sure no dead flies, etc. When a house we occupied had to be viewed then it was a marathon effort trying to make the place look like a magazine photo spread.
    Lets hope the next viewing is more successful. It is an aggravating process.
