

Jennie's recipes

Friday 12 August 2011

To hell and back

The last ten days have not been good ones in this family. We have had to deal with family issues which have been devastating for all concerned. The love and loyalty of my eldest daughter for her partner were just discarded like rubbish as he turned his back on her and walked away, and we have had to pick up the pieces and try and put her life back on track. She has a good circle of friends who will support her and she will be back home next week for a few days so we can make a fuss of her and help her to heal.

The little posy of Nasturtiums given me by a neighbour yesterday helped cheer me up so much - until you have a handful like this in a jug, you don't realize that they have a perfume.

Meanwhile, in my absence, my husband had been browsing at the car boot sale, and came home with this . . .

I know . . .

If the blog stays quiet it is because my health has let me down rather - an ongoing chest infection which I seem to have had all year has suddenly turned into an even worse one and I am now on steroids and a double dose of anti-biotics. My nerves are in shreds too, so I am not feeling exactly cheerful and chatty right now. I'll try and get a post together sometime over the weekend.


  1. Take care of yourself. Hope you're feeling better soon.....

  2. Problems come in "bunches" sometimes--hope you are feeling well soon. I love the bright geraniums in the small jug--cheers me up to see them!

  3. Take care. That amount of stress would make anyone ill. Look after yourself.

  4. Thanks folks. I'll feel better when I'm off this nervous plateau I'm on right now - it needs to get a good bit lower. Can't just switch it off . . .

  5. Daughters need their mums in times like this BB and thank goodness you are there for her. You need friends to support you and thank goodness you seem to have them too. Do hope the chest infection soon goes too I am sure that all the worry and stress have made things worse. Take care of yourself.

  6. Thanks Weaver. I think it was the stress that made it go into freefall on Wednesday morning - my peak flow plummeted from 360 to 250 in the space of an hour and a half . . .

  7. I hope you feel better this evening BB. Take time to rest , even if you feel on a knife edge with your family problems. You are being such a good Mum at this very traumatic time for your daughter.xx

    Re: the wooden "thing"....What IS it? It looks like a wooden helmet and visor for a shrunken head!

  8. It's metal DW - welded together, and is a facsimile of a Crusader-style helmet!!! OH tok umbrage when I called it a modified bucket : ) It's resting on the plant stand he bought the previous week for just £4. hard to resist a bargain - it's solid mahogany with a beautiful barley twist.

    I am resting like I've never done before (except when stapled to the bed with flu). Not being able to get in touch with my daughter yesterday afternoon, when her phone would normally have been on, sent me straight into a panic attack as my adrenaline levels are still sky high . . . When I have the energy to walk again, that will be very therapeutic.

    Thanks Kath. Much needed right now. I am hoping to do some sewing this afternoon, so that should help a lot.

  9. As everyone else has said - take care of yourself and get plenty of rest until you are feeling well again. Family heartaches are always difficult to deal with as you seem to feel more for your children than you do for yourself but 'this too shall pass'.

  10. Itsy sends you all a big comforting hug. Sorry to hear about the problems - emotional and healthwise. I hope things look up soon for all concerned.

  11. I am feeling for you. We never get past being a Mother no matter the age of either.

    On top of that, being sick is just the pits!

    I hope all is resolved very soon.

  12. So sorry for your troubles, when our children hurt we hurt. Hope both of you come through this ok.

  13. Thank you for all your kind thoughts. She'll be back home on Monday for a break and a Festival (Green Man), so that should cheer her up.

    I am feeling brighter today, and even been sewing, so hopefully I "may" be on the mend finally now . . .

  14. Do you have COPD? Any worries seem to make chronic illnesses worse, but thank goodness for antibees and for steroids.

    Can sympathise with you and daughter, ours (28) had a crisis but she cuts us out, occasionally will say 'I need a hug' but we are not allowed to share her sorrow or worries.

    Enjoy your time with daughter next week. Are you going to the Festival?
