

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 14 September 2011

In praise of older men - husbands that is!

When I was in my teens, my idea of a nice lad was someone who had nice eyes, a lovely smile and if he was the DJ too, he was ultra cool.

In my 20s, I still looked for nice eyes, but a sense of humour became important, and sharing common interests.

In my 30s, and married to the man with the nice eyes and sense of humour and the shared interests, the ability to change a nappy and a tap-washer were required (not necessarily at the same moment in time!)

In my 40s, I wanted my man to deal with fractious teenagers when my hormones were all over the place and I couldn't cope.

Now, in my late 50s, I find that my lovely man's most important attribute is to be able to make furniture from scratch and to mend things. When my wheelbarrow collapsed yesterday, I did not doubt for a moment that he would be able to mend it. And he did. Bless him.


  1. Great post! You are blessed with each other.

    Happy Living and Loving together ~ FlowerLady

  2. That's great. As a mid-50s I think I still want the sense of humour. But the ability to fix my computer comes a close second! :)

  3. I think one of the blessings of a long marriage [in addition to the roster of exasperations!] is the fact that both man and wife are enabled to be what/who they need to be at different stages of life. The under-lying attractions remain the same, but time and the demands of a family and changing circtumstances really plumb the depths of character as well as honing 'survival' skills we never dreamed we possesed.

  4. That is a Great post and you both sound quite Lovely!

  5. Thanks FL & Val - I have to say I love him to bits!

    AJ - he still has a wicked sense of humour!

    MM - you're spot on there. I have had a few depths of character failure in recent weeks with the trouble with T and her ex, but I put that down to lack of sleep and murderous intentions towards the ex. . .

  6. Oh yes BB - one's requirements do change over the decades. Now I will settle for someone who is there whenever there is an emergency - albeit a water leak, a power cut, a spot of heavy gardening. Oh and I do love my back being rubbed when it aches!

  7. Give that man a medal - or a glass of his favourite beverage!

  8. Bless him indeed!

    My dear OH has just mended the lawn mower and is about to unblock the kitchen sink.......
