

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Update on Tippy

I've just taken him back to the vet as he was sick again last night, and still so constipated he is blocked, so we are back to square one. He is to have another enema and more rehydration . . . Poor little chap. I just want him back to his old self again. He was so much brighter on Saturday and then went downhill again. He is full to the gunnels of bits of mousy giblets set in concrete . . .

Tuesday evening (my comment to the comments!):

Thanks everyone. Today's treatments - all day on a drip and another enema (poor boy) seem to have helped a lo and he has been bouncing off the walls tonight! He REALLY wanted to go out, but the answer is no, until he has "been" regularly again.

I've just had him laid on my lap, like a baby, stroking him so softly so that his eyes were closing and he was nearly asleep. He has eaten, and had some more Liquid Paraffin - the syringe got stuck and I removed it from his mouth and gave it some welly and it went EVERYWHERE! He looked at me like I was mad . . .

Fingers crossed he will "go" from now on. Vet took an X-ray to check all was well, and it appears to be. Fingers crossed he will recover fully now.

Wednesday morning:

He's "been" in the night, wanted to have a wander into the kitchen and poked his nose out of doors, now he's come back in for breakfast. Fingers crossed.


  1. Poor boy. I really hope they can clear out his tubes and get him back to normal soon.

  2. Hugs Bovey

    My Uncle had a cat who used to have similar problems - his main vice was rabbit and he was forever forward and backwards to the vet. In the end because it was a regular problem he used to use the castor oil - I understand that is not too pleasant either but it was the only thing that seemed to free him up. (the cat - not my uncle).

    Hope the little chap is soon well its very upsetting when one of the babies is unwell.

    Hope he is loads better soon

    [hugs] Pattypan


  3. Oh bless him, hope he is better soon x

  4. Get well soon wee man.

    You take care too BB.

  5. Ah bless him, I hope he is soon better.

  6. Isn't it awful when our beloved animals are ill and they can't tell us what is wrong. Hope it is only mouse bits and that all will be well eventually.

  7. Sorry to hear your kitty is ailing. Hope you and the vet can get him running smoothly again soon! Maybe he needs to stay in and not be out catching mice???

  8. oh i hate to hear of any poorly pet :-( wishing him well again soon.

    Leanne x

  9. Thanks everyone. Today's treatments - all day on a drip and another enema (poor boy) seem to have helped a lo and he has been bouncing off the walls tonight! He REALLY wanted to go out, but the answer is no, until he has "been" regularly again.

    I've just had him laid on my lap, like a baby, stroking him so softly so that his eyes were closing and he was nearly asleep. He has eaten, and had some more Liquid Paraffin - the syringe got stuck and I removed it from his mouth and gave it some welly and it went EVERYWHERE! He looked at me like I was mad . . .

    Fingers crossed he will "go" from now on. Vet took an X-ray to check all was well, and it appears to be. Fingers crossed he will recover fully now.

  10. Glad he has someone to pet him gently to help him get over all the indignities of the day.
