

Jennie's recipes

Friday 30 December 2011

Planning ahead

In this strange hinterland between Christmas and New Year I have had a sudden rush of blood to the head. I am busy sewing when I can - trying to finish an extension to a single quilt - a hexagon one I made for G to take to Uni with her to remind her of home - and which she handed back to me when she came home to her double bed. It has been keeping our feet warm all winter, and I began - probably a year ago - to piece the hexagons to make it full size for our bed. Anyway, during yesterday's scheduled power cut, and having taken down the tree (to let more light in the room) and packed Christmas away for another year, I pulled a chair into the bay window and sat sewing for several hours. Bliss . . .

I am currently accepting "orders" from my girls for their Christmas presents next year, which gives me time to make them! I have tracked down some fabric for cushions which I have wanted to make for a while, and just ordered that - 3 x 1/2 metre lengths - and a little bit for myself, another 1/2 metre so I didn't go mad (couldn't afford to!) I can't wait for that parcel to arrive.


  1. That quilt is blissful beauty!

  2. Thank you. Some of the fabrics are modern, but here and there are bits from my original stash of 30+ years or so ago, and some from an old Laura Ashley dress. . .

  3. That sure is a pretty quilt. Great for keeping warm on a chilly winter's day. Happy New Year to you and yours.

  4. I have just started the makings of a quilt made from compostgirl's old discarded clothes - she is 11 now so I have quite a collection of lovely stuff I have my rate of work I expect to maybe finish by her 18th? ( or 21st , or wedding etc ...?)

    But it feels good to have begun, anyway!

    Happy Christmas and New Year, anyway. :-)

  5. That quilt is lovely, what patience you have to make something like that. And you have Christmas cleared away - lucky you, I still have that to do.

  6. Christmas crafting, although motivation hit rather late, has reminded me of the 'bliss' of making things. Your lovely work has inspired me to finish some old projects and hopefully get onto something new. My fabric 'stash' should carry me well past my years of usefullness!

  7. Beautiful quilt! We'll take our decorations down this weekend.
