

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 8 January 2012

Walking into the view again

I have had a very busy - but creative week - and I am afraid my commitment to A River of Stones now seems rash. It will have to be sporadic:

A River of Stones

As I walked, a chirruping stream sang a cascade of watery notes.

The landscape looked like winter had laid her petticoats out to dry.

The new wind farm above Brechfa. I'm afraid the words "wind farm" are not good ones in this area. I wish I could support this alternative energy technology but it is not cost-effective, not practical, is a placebo given by the Government to their totally impractical commitment to the Kyoto agreement, and a total rape of the countryside.

Looking towards the coast. On a clear day, you can see the hill topped by Llansteffan Castle. But not this day . . .

Through the trees, the top of the hills above Llanfynydd.

This sort of moss takes full advantage of our high rainfall and will colonize virtually any tree or branch or stump. I am being fanciful, but to the top rightt of the tree it looks rather like a human face and the broken stumps of branches could almost be arms!

Close to the start of my walk, the sun came out properly.

Above and below - evidence of practices from the past. These trees were once cut and laid, but then left to grow probably for the past 30 or 40 years. I'm glad to say that this particular skill is now being encouraged once again and there are new practitioners in the countryside.

The sun was breaking through and lifting my spirits as I strode downhill.

The photos above and below are typical of the landscape hereabouts. Fields of a few acres which formerly were much smaller but mechanisation and grants have encouraged farmers to grub out old hedgerows and banks to make the fields more easily managed. The tree of choice for boundaries in the past was either Hawthorn or Blackthorn to garner respect from livestock! When allowed to grow on, they make respectable trees.

Looking South-Eastwards down and across the valley of the Cothi. Right in the valley bottom are a couple of our neighbours' properties.

With such a diffuse light, the grass on the hedge banks was the only splash of colour.

Where it continues mild, amazingly I found this Blackberry still in flower, sheltered from the prevailing (West) wind by a thicket of Blackthorn.


  1. I absolutely LOVE this post - just wish I was back on the Cl we love to stay on alongside the Tewi river. I know you live thereabouts and seem to enjoy the same things I do. And I so agree about wind farms - the same in Shropshire.

  2. Glad it gives you pleasure. I have to say, in the summer the scenery really comes to life and it is SO uplifting to walk these hills, especially off lanes and onto ancient trackways.

  3. You live in a beautiful area, I really enjoyed your photos. I agree with you about wind farms, what a joke.

  4. We have wind farms up north of me, and into the northwestern part of the state. When you go up into the Sandhills, they remind me of Don Quixote and the battle of the windmills. You can see them for miles. They are a joke, unfortunatly, they are trying to insert them into the grid to offset the taxes and all of the penalty fees for our coal fired power plants, and my electric bill is getting where I cannot afford it and will not be able to soon.
    Beautiful photos of your walk. I am so very glad that you are starting to wake up your creative side, it helps heal the soul and the heart, you deserve it after all of the heartache you have endured.
