

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 4 February 2012

Just in case you're worried . . .

We're not snowed in. It's been arctic outside, and the hill turned into the Cresta Run when a spring decided to re-route itself across the road instead of into the ditch . . . Next door, him with the tractors and Landys, had no trouble getting up or down. We had to spread some grit, but got out on Friday. Yesterday though, I had a chap at the door looking for someone with a tractor, as his delivery van had fallen foul of the ice and was in a precarious spot, hanging over a sharp drop into the stream. I pointed him in the right direction for our neighbour (still milking), but gosh, it took two hours to get the van out safely, and my OH got involved in gritting the hill so he could get back up it.

Anyway, it's been raining all afternoon, and hopefully will stay a little warmer. We have been snuggled up by the wood burner all afternoon, covered in quilts and cats and quite snug! I've finished my Daphne book, and can heartily recommend it (Daphne, by Justine Picardie - just a penny on Amazon . . .) I didn't want it to end.


  1. Stay by the fire - more on the way for you.....

    Really cold here - the kind that gets in your bones and the snow looks set to hit tonight. Guess I'll get to find out if those winter tires do the business.

  2. I have been worried when I heard about the cold air over Europe, and you with no fuel heat.
    We finally got zapped by a snow storm, not bad, but it was because we did not get the blowing wind the weatherman thought we would, or we really would of had a storm.
    Woodburner, cats and quilts and a good book sound pretty good to me.
    Please stay warm.

  3. Denim - worry not, I have my Long Johns on!!!

    Al - hopefully it will stay wet with us. My OH was out on the roof yesterday, putting on the new cowl. My nerves are still recovering - it's a steep cat-slide roof!

  4. P.S. Al - stay safe on the road. I hope your winter tyres work.

  5. A dark and rainy day here, but we haven't known real cold all winter. This was a good day for home made soup [is there any other kind?] and time to read without competition from the tv--while J. took a nap!

  6. I'm relieved to say it's MUCH warmer outside this morning and the temp. in the kitchen was a balmy 11 deg. this morning (having had the little baby radiator on for the cats again last night). Phew . . .

    I made soup yesterday too.

  7. Sounds like you are making the best of it and enjoying some enforced home time. We have not had any snow down here in Dorset yet.

  8. We got our first snow of the winter overnight and I think it gave us a year's supply all at once! I'm glad it's got a day to melt before I have to go to work.

  9. Glad you are OK and that you are managing to stay warm - there's nothing like a nice warm cat or dog on a cold day! There's a similar picture here as well - we got about three inches overnight.

  10. Thanks for the recommendation, it's always good to know what is a good read.
    We had a huge snow storm yesterday, I could just make out the lower slopes on the tor. It all melted in the rain last night. Keep warm!

  11. That is a great shot ...glad everything is ok with you ...we have not had as much as a flake this winter.
