

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 23 February 2012

Keeping in touch with blogging friends

I just wanted to put a short note on here as Blogger seems to be messing things up (Blogger has broad shoulders, I'm sure it can cope with one person's blame). Denimflyz - I can't get through to your blog any more as Blogger denies all knowledge of its existence. I know you are still out there, because I saw your comment on Leanne's blog. If you read this, let me know if you have changed to another server please.

Lynn (in the States) - I wish we could make contact properly too, ref. the Arthurian books - plus I have a teensy Welsh recipes book I found for you at the weekend (as a gift) and I would like to send it to you. If you go to my C&C shop blog, I have left my hotmail account details there for you.

Well, I am just SO tired this evening. Having overslept till gone 9 a.m. this morning, I took myself up the hill this afternoon to get some fresh air. I was only out for about 45 minutes, but you would think I had walked all day, so tired do I feel now. I just can't wait to fall into my bed! No photos - it was an afternoon of low cloud - so low I couldn't even see across the valley. It is supposed to be warming up from today onwards, so I am hopeful we may even see a glimpse of the sun, so fingers crossed.


  1. What a beautiful valley, and I hope your blog friends read this and contact you. That is frustrating not to be able to reach them, I am sure.

  2. BB, I am still here. I don't know what's up. I will check.
    I may have done something also.

  3. that happened to me a few days ago- It said Denims blog wasnt there, but I tried again a little later, and all was fine. Ive tried again just now and all is still fine.

    Leanne x

  4. Such beautiful walks you take. I would be skipping along.

    Hayfever is ruling my days as spring is insisting on an early start this year. I have no energy either due to the condition or the meds.

    Wish I were there. Have a great weekend and I always look forward to your posts.

  5. Thanks Terra. The valley is that of the Towy, as viewed from Llangunnor church (Carmarthen end of the valley). It's Black Mountain you can see in the distance.

    Denim - just got onto your blog. Phew!

    Leanne - thank you SO much for that comment, as I went back and tried again and hey presto - Denim was back!

    SAS - today's walk was a tad short on views! I studied the hedgerows instead, which were interesting - you see what animals have been coming and going, and what wild flowers are growing. Sorry about your hayfever - hope you have an effective anti-histamine (or do they knock you out?) Where's home for you then?

  6. This is my third attempt to get onto Codlins.... Something is rotten in the state of Blogspot I fear!

    Hope you get a good night`s sleep BB.

  7. A pox on blogger--or maybe we should go the source and blame goggle? I spent frustrated hours last evening trying to sort my google account and separate it from J.'s email--which I manage for him, preferring to do it from my PC. At one point it appeared I had lost my own 'identity' and my blog.--Panic attack! I've got my account back, but now an annoying array of sign-in stuff that I didn't want. That's the point at which one should go for a head-clearing walk!

  8. I am totally agree with all of your ideas hope you will be keep updating your blog..
    Thank you for post.

    Keeping In Touch
