

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 13 March 2012


This is an all-photos posting, as I am still unwell - it has taken me two days, on and off, to get all these loaded. Memories of a lovely summer day in June two or three years back, when I finally achieved my ambition to climb right up on the ridge of Black Mountain (the range of mountains known as Bannau Sir Gaer - the Carmarthen Fans).

I had hoped to tell you the story of our Lady of the Lake, and the Magicians of Mydffai, but that will have to wait until tomorrow. Meanwhile, enjoy the walk.

There in the distance, they loomed in the afternoon heat haze.

Great farming country round here - mostly sheep though.

Above and below: a beautiful little mountain stream, beloved of Dippers.

Arriving at the lake, the mountains seem almost primeval - they are almost overpowering.

The little bothy up by the lake. During WW1, Conscientious Objectors were sent here, to build the walling we saw on the way up to the lake.

The panoramic views were amazing - we could see for miles and miles.

As we climbed the very steep slope, we could see the lake as a bird would view it.

The path led invitingly along the mountain edge.

Even on the steepest parts there were sheep grazing, although I don't think I got any in this photo, so you'll have to take my word for it.

The lake is now a reservoir, and you are not allowed to bath or even paddle in it.

We had lunch near this outcrop, but sat well back from the edge . . .

The Cambrian mountains to the North.

It felt wonderful to be so high up and have a 360 degree view.

These ledges, believe it or not, have sheep grazing on them . . .

Looking back the way we came. The ribbon of track in the picture is the one we had recently toiled up.

Above and below - bog cotton blowing in the breeze. The peat upland soil holds onto the moisture - and we get plenty of that here in Wales!


  1. Thanks for showing us a little piece of heaven on earth. Love the bog cotton (new to me), and I hope you are well.

  2. fab photos, I particularly liked the bog cotton.
    Get better soon.

  3. What a wonderful summer walk. I can imagine the happiness and exhilaration you must have felt in that beautiful place. What views too!

    Hope you will soon be well enough for more Welsh mountain walking.

  4. My favorite singer songwriter comes from Cardiff-Martyn Joseph. Do listen to his work, he's a genius.
