

Jennie's recipes

Friday 20 April 2012

Down by the river side

OK - what the heck has happened to this system?  Oh, how I hate change for change's sake . . . I am now trying to work out how the heck I get photos in each post . . .

Anyway, today my daily walk was taken walking upriver on its bank, along a path now only used by fishermen, badgers, foxes and today, me.  When my children were smaller we used to walk along that way a lot.

There are different swirls and eddies along this stretch of the river.  I missed the bit where they used to bring the sheep down to wash them in a shallow stretch, blocking off that section of the river with hurdles tied to the bank I presume. 

You will have to make do with these photos for the moment, as we have to go in for D.  I am still getting the hang of doing the photos . . .

The first happy little faces of Common Vetch .

 This is looking back downstream.  On the left is a big fallen tree which has collected quite a bit of driftwood against its roots, from when the river was running in spate.

It's quite overgrown along the bank, and the trees are just left to grow, in the main, although I did notice one or two branches cut back where they had fallen across the pathway.

Sometimes we used to see Roe Deer here in the scrubby woodland to the right of the path.

There are different eddies and dips along this stretch of the river, although it isn't the rocky canyon it becomes below the bridge.

The riverbank was studded with the white flowers of Wood Anemones, and the yellows of Primroses and Celendines.  Apart from the Ash, which is always late to the feast, all the trees were putting out green leaflets.

The river tossed and leapt over rocks as it passed this little rocky islet to one side of the main flow.

A Peacock butterfly paused on the pathway, long enough for me to take a photo of him.  One that has over-wintered safely.  I sawOrange-tips, Small Whites, and a Speckled Wood too.

This field has been planted with indiginous trees - Silver Birch, Ash, Blackthorn, Hawthorn, Gean (wild Cherry), Oak, Beech and many many Hazels!


  1. What a lovely riverside path. Strange how we still walk the tracks and pathways where we took our young children so often.

  2. Beauty surrounds us on all sides. Paths along rivers are my absolute favorite; the sound of the rushing water calms and soothes me in a way nothing else does. Thank you for sharing these incredible pictures of your river path and today's walk.

  3. Looks a lovely walk by the river. I hate it when they change stuff - I haven't tried doing photos yet but am having trouble finding my way round. I really wish they'd let well enough alone!

  4. It is actually all the same, just a different layout...but irritating to have to get used to I agree!

    Lovely photos BB, as always - you have a real talent for spotting a good photo op!

  5. That little path looks very inviting..

  6. I should look up blackthorn and hawthorn--don't think we have them here.
    I'm reminded of a rocky streambed where the first wildflowers opened during my many years in Vermont.

  7. MM - the blackthorn gives us Sloes (for SLOE GIN!!!) and the hawthorn red hips which can be cooked up for a tart jelly. Both have sharp spikes on them and they were widely used for stock-proof hedging here.

    Glad you all enjoyed my river walk.
