

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 5 April 2012

A lovely day for a walk

Hooray - the first Bluebells!

After yesterday's gales and bitter temperatures (gosh, that wind-chill factor), today improved as the hours went by and warmed up considerably and so after lunch I set out to walk to a neighbour's, trusty camera in hand. It was uphill after going down ours, but I surprised myself and managed it without puffing too much and only stopping once. On the way home there was a much steeper hill to be negotiated, but again I managed it only stopping once. WHAT a difference after last year, when I could barely make it up the stairs without stopping for lack of puff.

One of the many banks of Ramsons (Wild Garlic) along the lanes hereabouts. I can never resist crushing a leaf as I pass, and the garlic smell takes me back to a walk in the Purbecks (Dorset) over 30 years ago when a friend and I sat in a patch of Ramsons and couldn't work out why everywhere stank of garlic!!!

A bank of beautiful Violets. Can you imagine how the countryside must have looked in Shakespeare's time, knowing how much has been lost since? Think of the cornfields, and the hedgerows. Makes me sigh and wish to travel back in time.

My neighbour's geese on and around the pond. If I had been quicker, I might have photographed the Heron which took off as we rounded the corner of the barn.

Ned has heard someone down by the river.

This is the Maternity Ward . . . The ladies in waiting are mostly Lleyn sheep, some of them Lleyn x Suffolks.

What appears to be a fluffy toy is the latest arrival . . .

An experienced mum with her twins.

Most of the babies were only a day or so old.

A corner of the nursery with recently-lambed ewes.

One of the level bits of lane - it's not all hills! Just feels like it sometimes : )

The view across the valley.

This field was higher than my eye level so I had to stand on tippy-toe to get this sheepy picture.

The lane behind me, walking homewards . . .


  1. fabulous photos as always, I particularly enjoyed seeing Ned!

  2. Glad you enjoyed the photos Kath. I was trying for the best views, as always. No real "magic" ones today though.

  3. I'd like to get to know Ed better and the little new born lambs

  4. Nice walk BB!

    Thanks for sharing it. {I didn't get out of breath either!}

  5. What a lovely walk,the bluebells are very early this year aren't they. I love violets and have some coming up under the hedge in our garden.

  6. Lovely weather and lovely photographs BB. Here there have been blizzards and four inches of snow. A local farmer lost eighty six of his new born lambs overnight and on the North York Moors over a thousand perished in the bitter cold and that heavy, wet snow. Such a tragedy.

  7. Stunning photos,BB. Thank you for sharing your walk with us today. I need to walk, only I need a club with me...
    Your walk is filled with magic.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  8. Gorgeous pictures, and those little lambs look like they had an easier time of it than the ones out on The Farm!

  9. Your bit of Wales looks very like mine! Love the lamb photos and happy birthday!
