

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 22 May 2012

I hope I haven't misled you all . . .

I hope I haven't misled anyone over the previous photo as that was taken at Tretower Court last week and isn't our house (much as we'd love it to be!!)

Our house looking back across the wildlife pond.

The kitchen inglenook down in the Dairy, which was mum's home.

Anyway, they've not been yet as they were delayed, so we have to wait until teatime . . .


  1. Good luck with the viewing. Your home is absolutely delightful!

  2. Somebody will come one day BB and they will love it - so keep trying. Hope your folk today are the ones.

  3. House showings brought out a number of unpleasant traits in my personality. Waiting on that sort of appointment is nerve-wracking.
    I think the inglenook looks very cozy.

  4. Keep those fingers crossed as they loved it. Mind you, they might have loved every other house they viewed too, for all I know . . .

    But it was so peaceful here, and they did genuinely love it, so . . .

    WG - glad you're back - I was worried you might have been ill.

    Elaine - hello and welcome. Glad you like my home.

    MM - these were NICE people and they were here well over an hour, so I hope it made a lasting impression on them . . . and a positive one.

  5. Lovely pictures of your home !! Hope you sell it soon,house buying and selling is so stressful.My thoughts are with you as I have done it seven times.

  6. Fingers crossed, but your house does look lovely, it will be a great wrench for the family when it eventually sells.

  7. I really hope that something comes of this viewing - fingers and everything else crossed for you.
