

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 2 May 2012

What are YOU doing today?

The beautiful kitchen (one end of it anyway) at Tredegar House.  I could make myself at home here!

I have taken a prompt from Rhonda over on down-to-earth , who was asking her readers what they were doing today.

Well, in my case I have been baking.  We are right out of bread, so first thing I crept downstairs and got out bread flour, and brought the fresh yeast out of the fridge to warm up.

As the oven would be on, it would then be a baking day, so I could make the most of a hot oven and saving money by doing all my baking for the week at once.  I cooked up some eating apples which were getting past their best, and made an apple crumble and a blackcurrant and apple one, with oats and ground ginger in the crumble mix.  I took great pleasure in my loaf making, and used an egg glaze and poppy seeds to top the crust.  In 7 minutes it will be done - I've just checked on it and it's looking SO good!

Next it will be a cake which gets baked as I am away over the weekend (3 days) helping a friend at an Antiques Fair, so I dare say a slice of cake now and then would hit the spot.

After walking past them for over a week, I have finally put my latest packet of Sweet Peas in to soak for a bit before I sow them.  I have several lots started and growing nicely in the greenhouse, and several pots of really well-grown ones I've bought from a regular trader at the car boot sale.  Now I need to get a good frame up for them - I fancy having them at the back of the flowers and herbs bed in the paddock.

I plan to get a walk in later (as it's finally dry) and wash my hair, and do some weeding and do the crossword from the newspaper.  I may even find time to get the sewing machine out and quickly sew the ends of two pillowcases which I have made from one BIG bolster case I got at the car boot sale recently - 3 lots of old linen for £1!  They are such top quality cotton and deserve to be kept in service, with their neat white-work embroidery across the opening edge.

What are YOU doing today?


  1. What I've done is very little as I'm not feeling that great. I've washed the kitchen floor and done the first of three loads of washing and sorted out a pile of paper work. Now I'm off out for a walk in Gillfield Woods with B Baggins.

  2. I will say this for you BB - you certainly have not been idle today!
    What have I done? I have been to Wensleydale Writes Group, cooked a quick lunch, taken the dog for a walk and am now on line. That about sums it up. Next will be an hour's piano practice for a friend coming with his clarinet at the weekend.

  3. Today, I have been sitting on the heating pad because of yesterday's busy day-I got lots accomplished until I sat in the floor to sort through pictures-it was more than the old back could handle!

  4. Still catching up around here since I've been away for the past three weeks visiting kids and grandkids...and catching up on reading favorite blogs. I've also done some laundry, emptied the suitcases, polished dusty furniture and started dinner - barbecued pork tenderloin, roast potatoes and fresh coleslow. Still so much more to do though after being away! Always enjoy your blog...


  5. Rowan - sounds like you haven't sat on your laurels, and I hope you and Bilbo enjoyed yoru walk.

    Weaver - Pah - you ain't seen nothin' yet!!! I didn't know you were musical.

    Jan - my creaking back sends commiserations to yours!

    SouthernHeart - I read you lovely catch-up letter earlier, and thought, gosh, this is one lady who gets about. I am SO envious of all your lovely grand-children . . . Sounds like you are getting sorted after your happy time away.

  6. I read your post this morning, then had to get doing right away and have just now [past 8 pm] got done. I think I'll turn the query into a post over on my blog--listing things makes me feel virtuous.
    Would have loved to visit your kitchen today!

  7. MM - having read your post, you achieved a LOT more than I did!!!

  8. Today? Feeding ponies in the rain. Dog walking in the rain. Going to our nearest town to have my hair done and coming home, in the rain.....

    I`m not inspired to do much more outside but I need to plant a few more seeds in the greenhouse and then catch up with some reading if I can.
