

Jennie's recipes

Monday 28 May 2012

Where did last week go?

Ye Gods.  What a week last week was.  First of all, a viewing on the house (they liked it but haven't been in touch with the agents - mind you, our phone line is still down so perhaps they have and we won't know until we phone the agents yet again.)  BT are apparently going to fix the line "by Wednesday . . ."  We shall see.

Then this sunshine calls for outdoor occupations (and leisure).  However, as we had a room full of "things" we have collected over the years and don't need when we eventually DO move, we needed to tart some of them up for yesterday's Antiques Fair and Fleamarket. We didn't sell the two chairs though, which is a shame as they take up so much room in the car and are difficult to pack around.

Our eldest daughter is coming home today for a few days to recharge her batteries.  It will be LOVELY.

So, finally, now we have broadband back (though no phone line), the rest of the photographs from last week's walk:

Once again, photos are taking forever to load, so I shall return later and add the last few. 


  1. You've been tweeking the blog! I like the rich background color, very similar to paint we've used in this Kentucky cottage, but, dear me, that blue typeface is shimmering in front of my spectacles!
    Horses are such handsome creatures---what breed are these--they look sturdily built.
    You have lovely places to walk. Our roads here are narrow and winding with no verge and drivers seem to take them at a pace that would be dangerous for a walker, so I prowl our fields--except in this season which favors ticks and snakes.

  2. Computers and telephones can be so frustrating can't they? I am keeping my fingers crossed about the house.

  3. love the pics of the horses and welsh ponies!

  4. Oh that wonderful English lane just begging to be explored.

  5. Lovely photos, the countryside looks wonderful at the moment doesn't it? Hope you get your phone line back soon, let's hope that the viewers have been in touch with the agents!

  6. It looks absolutely gorgeous. Is your cottage the one you can see beyond the gate? May is definitely the best month of the year.

  7. So, so beautiful. How I would love to walk past those horses. Do you bring them carrots?

  8. Nan - no carrots, but I made fusses of the ones who came up to the gate.

    Em - we have a huge old rambling farmhouse. The cottage in the picture belongs to a neighbour of ours. As in over a mile and a half from where we live type neighbour.

    Everyone - cross every digit you have on our behalf, as there may be "interest" from the viewers . . .
