

Jennie's recipes

Friday 8 June 2012

Seaside stroll

So simple yet so beautiful.  These Ox-Eye daisies were growing on the headland at Pendine on Tuesday, when we decided some sea air was called for.  I've known it warmer, and known it sunnier, but everyone was determined - in true British fashion - to enjoy their day there, so we pulled our warm tops closely round us and walked over the headland, and then back along the beach, so T could dip her toes in the briney.

A yellow glow of Lady's Fingers and Kidney Vetch took my mind off grey skies and a chill wind . . .

In the grim grey distance is Caldey Island.

It was just as grey in the opposite direction, looking across to the Gower Peninsula.  Note a few brave hardy souls were at the water's edge.

You can now park on the beach again, after a period where this was banned after someone stupidly left their car around the headland, went for a walk or something, and returned to find it had been carried off by the rising tide . . .  Compare this with Bournemouth Beach in the summer . . .

Image attributed to - many thanks.  Here 
is the link to their very interesting article - the day 100,000 people hit the beach!

On the cliffs at Pendine, these Valerian were flowering happily.

We always climb over this headland when we go to Pendine.  One of our family rituals.  Like going inside those wonderful water-worn caves.

Up here, and a little way further along, they buried their dead in the Neolithic.  You have to look carefully to see the remains of the burial chambers


Our beautiful daughter paddling . . . rather her than me as it was very brisk!

"Babs" in the Museum of Speed.  I always go an pay my respects, and always pick up a different "atmosphere" each visit.  This time there were a dozen or so people in there and I got an instant terrific headache - like my head was in a vice - so I quickly left.  Strange. . .  That car has so much - you would call it "presence" in a show horse - and you have the feeling you are NOT alone there.


  1. Glad you are keeping your spirits up BB - in spite of the miserable weather.

  2. The caves look wonderful though I imagine you have to be careful of the tide if you go exploring them. I confess that paddling wouldn't be top of my list of things to with the weather as it is!

  3. Beautiful photos BB. You are so blessed to have an ocean to visit. I have only had quick glimpses of the Pacific when I was driving semi truck with D years ago, along the Pacific Coast Highway. Stunning.
    Have a wonderful weekend.
