

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 26 July 2012

Jeepers it's HOT!

 Of  course, having written that, we will probably have a Monsoon arrive in time for the weekend, just because we are hoping to have a stall at the Fleamarket . . .

Meanwhile, we are making the most of this glorious weather though I rather stupidly gardened in it yesterday.  You know - you start off dead-heading and an hour later find yourself in a muck sweat with a barrowload of spent leaves and stuff which was growing where it shouldn't have been . . .

I've been clearing bits of the pond too where it was getting clogged up with a pernicious dark green weed which grows EVERYWHERE.  I have to check each handful for little aquatic bugs, and the worst area is where I cannot reach, so that should be interesting . . .  There are still the three frogs in residence, and a few newts but once the latter have mated, apparently they forsake the pond for dry land again.  My Dragonfly larva has metamorphosed into a Dragonfly and I have seen a greeny Dragonfly in the garden so perhaps that is "our" one.

Both daughters in residence last night, but G just for the one night.  T is here until Monday.  Tomorrow we are planning to climb Pen-y-Fan (if it's not too hot).  Leastways, she and her father will climb it - I shall sit in the Storey Arms car park with a good book as I know I'm completely unfit and I'm not even trying the local hills yet - still just walking on the flat until I know I am properly on the mend.  I shan't tempt fate, but let's say I'm heading the right way and I have checked whether I can take my anti-histamines again although I'm still on the last week of the anti-biotics, and yes I can, and I have found this has made quite a difference as it stops the allergic response to pollens/dust so less "gunge" should form as a result.  All the local farmers are cutting/drying/baling hay/haylage and silage so there's a lot of dust in the air.

This was last week's car boot sale.  As you can see, it was absolutely heaving.  We didn't do well, as people were more inclined to buy things like the inflatable Pooh bear on the right, and the rather hideous concrete dragons/dogs/things for the garden as on the left . . .  No accounting for taste.  However, the chair in the top picture is one that my OH bought as his next restoration project . . .


  1. May I just say that here in North Yorkshire it is decidedly not hot and sunny - cool and raining with low hill cloud is the order of the day.

  2. Oh Weaver, I'm sorry. I shall try not to gloat . . . I have to say our sunshine has cheered me up no end.

  3. Those concrete garden ornaments at the Car Boot remind me of Eddie Grundy in The Archers :-)

    I hope that your next one does better and that the customers have better taste ie. buy in your direction!

    Have a lovely day at Pen y Fan ( but enjoy the book rather than the climb). Happy memories of our day in Brecon while my OH and son went up the mountain.......

  4. What is considered HOT there? It is 90+ here in Kentucky, USA!
    I think I might find a large fleamarket over-whelming at this point--I can remember a very large open-air venue in Florida years ago. Its the sort of place that when I'm 'done" I want out of immediately.
    That is a most interesting chair--at least you and K. have good taste!

  5. MM - when you get above 80 deg. F it is starting to get hot. I reckon we were 85 plus on Wednesday, as the thermometer hit 100 and climbing in the sun and was 85 in the shade. I have to say, I am in my element at a bit car boot sale - the thrill of the chase, and all that! Especially where books are concerned.

    DW - That was my immediate thought too. That stall was actually "tasteful" compared with one in another row which had painted some of its offerings, and a pink pig in a red car is NOT an attractive thing . . . Memories of our day in Brecon are still with me, and of course, I thought of your husband and son climbing Pen-y-Fan.
