

Jennie's recipes

Monday 2 July 2012

A note from my sick bed

Just a brief update to say that the tests have come back to say that my current chest infection is resistant to the first two lots of anti-biotics I was given.  No wonder I felt like death warmed up this morning and my peak flow was the lowest yet . . .  My Doctor called me to tell me the results and ask how I was feeling . . . I think she must have known the answer to that one . . .  Anyway, have new anti-biotics which, touch wood, should be turning the tide of infection build-up in my lungs.  And thank de Lord, I don't have to take any more of those filthy things the Hospital gave me.  Ye Gods - SIDE-EFFECTS?  I had half a dozen of the nastiest, including turning my saliva to battery acid.  You just couldn't get rid of the awful taste (Clarithromycin).

I think my liver is on its knees, begging for respite too.  Anyway, I am going back to my sick-sofa now and will be available to give lectures on daytime television from next week onwards . . .

The posy above is one I picked from my garden last week.  Sadly all the rain we've had has done for the Paul's Himalayan Musk now and that's gone right over, but the Kiftsgate is about to start unfurling for a brief week of glory.


  1. I an so sorry to read what a bad time you have been having ...I do hope this antibiotic works with less side effects ..take care ...I look forward to reading you are fighting fit soon. xx

  2. Your flowers at the top are gorgeous--I love roses!

    Wishing you a quick recovery and some sunny skies!

  3. Sorry you're having so much trouble getting well, the bugs just keep getting harder to beat. There are hardly any antibiotics my husband can take any more, scary.

  4. Keeping fingers & toes crossed that the new antib's set you right!
    Lovely posey pic :-)

  5. I just hope that these are going to work BB. Those flowers should help to cheer you up - and if you haven't got an interest in tennis then I suggest you find one for this week - it will help to pass the time.

  6. Well, reporting back that I am one degree less poorly than this morning. Well, I exaggerate - I feel quite a bit better actually, and can breath more easily now and have been coughing up "gunk". Let's hope it's onwards and upwards now after a good night's sleep as my poor body is tired out and my liver is doubtless heavily under fire from all the drugs it's had to cope with.

    Thank you all for your kind wishes - you have no idea how they have bucked me up. My little posy of flowers cheers me every time I walk past it and the delicate perfume of the various flowers is strong for such a small bunch.

    Pat - I've been avoiding Wimbledon as OH has been keeping me company and it's not his "thing" so we have been watching old Antiques Roadtrip programmes we had recorded and I've been slowly working on my lovely sweetpeas crochet throw (nearly a hundred rows now).

    WSC - thank you, they are pinpointed at the real culprit for the infection now, so fingers crossed they will eradicate it.

    Mac & Janet - sorry to hear there is not much left in the battery of a-b's if Mac gets ill. It's been so wet here I was beginning to wonder if I was allergic to slugs - we have them the size of bloomin' corgis outside in the garden!

    it's me - hello again, and I dream of sunny summer skies. Don't think we are due any for a while yet - it's just rained non-stop here all day today which isn't very cheering. I will take photos of my Kiftsgate rose for you when it's out as it has reached the top of the hawthorn tree it's growing through and looks like a gigantic posy.

    Angie - I am looking forward to feeling well again too. This has been quite a frightening episode and I will be glad to get it behind me.

  7. I'm sorry that you are feeling so ill, let's hope that these new antibiotics do the trick for you.Take care and get well soon. (((Hugs)))

  8. Praying for healing for you, BB. I have an incident also, and am very droopy too, so all I can tell you like I was told, was rest. (Yeah, right!!!)
    Please take care.

  9. poor you, you sound rather down in body and spirit. I was told that radishes are a good liver cleanser.

  10. Sleep well and breathe better tonight BB.xx

  11. So glad you're feeling a little better. Take it very easy and I'll look forward to your daytime TV lectures. There's nothing more depressing is there!

  12. Hugs and heaps of love coming your way for a swift

  13. I had a very bad night. Still waiting for the new a-b's to kick in. Last night it was a close-run thing whether I decided to take up the offer of going into hospital for intravenous a-b's.

    Kath - not MAD on radishes, I have to say . . .

  14. Glad you are feeling a little better. Take care xx

  15. Best wishes for a very speedy recovery! Do feel better soon so you can get outside and enjoy your roses!

  16. I spoke too soon and my breathing has been very tight today. I am just waiting for the a-b's to kick in but meanwhile I had to go back to A&E this afternoon as peak flow measures tumbled v. quickly. I just feel like I am suffocating all the time.

    DD - smelling the roses is only possible when the rain has STOPPED!!!
